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robert becker

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Image Comments posted by robert becker

    Sun Rays

    I think if I really wanted to nit-pick though, the log might detract from the aesthetics. It appears that the log is not natural, like it was a leftover from a clear-cut. Almost like an uprouted telephone pole. Now, that's really nit-picking. R

    Half Dome

    Awesome shot of Halfdome. It took a moment to catch onto why I was seeing an angle of halfdome that I've never seen before. It seems you were somewhere above the Awahnee Hotel area. Nice view, and great framing using the trees.
  1. I have experienced the same while in BA. The people were very friendly, to the point where they have become like family. When I ended my work in BA and visited the last time, I was kissed on each cheek by people I had developed a working relationship with over the course of a few years. I still think of them from time to time.


    When I mentioned La Recoleta, I failed to specifically include La Recoleta cemetary. I too, walked through the cemetary for hours in amazement of the beauty of it. Very solemn and serene. Email me privately and I will relate a story about Eva Perone.


    Once, while staying at the Park Hyatt, a very beautiful receptionist at the front desk told me she was employed at one time as a tour guide in Tierra del Fuego. I told her that that was a very dangerous job, she asked why. I told her that her beauty could melt away all those icebergs...she was my friend from then on.


    I miss BA.....



    This is a stunning photo of McWay Falls. The range of color is subtle, but spectacular.


    It just boggles my mind how someone can rate such a beautiful image with a 3/3. The website really should require a critique in order to rate a photo.

  2. Jim Bridger had images of Yellowstone engraved in his mind. John Muir had this vision of "his" Yosemite forever etched into his memory. This vision had such power over him that he devoted his whole being into it's preservation for the many generations that follow.


    Brian's/Forest's images are some of the best I've ever seen. He truly captures the incredible detail and beauty of whatever he points his lens at.





    "The Sierras are calling, I must go" John Muir

    State Flower


    I think the comp is almost perfect. My mind understands that the fence post is there, but somehow it is a slight distraction. Maybe a bit more DOF would bring out the fence post and barbed wire. Would you care to share the location? I'm in the East Bay area and have been waiting patiently for the massive bloom any day now. 6/6






    That is indeed the leaf spring suspension. Very similar to the leaf springs under an older car/truck.

    I like the fact that the highlights are well lit and the shadows disappear into blackness. Nice photo.


    Regarding the comment about regretting the grass in the image...I like the grass there. It sort of anchors the old wheel in a fixed position. If I didn't have the grass, my mind might be allowed to think the wheel was floating down the rapids. 7/7


    Wonderful photo. Without sounding like a commercial endorsement, check out my freind's website...www.jelliquarium.com for everything you always wanted to know about keeping jellies in captivity.
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