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Image Comments posted by mathias

  1. Thanks Don,


    At first, I had trekked to a scouted location with a ferris wheel and arab domes in the foreground(!), but it turned out I had miscalculated the moon angle or I was just unlucky with the clouds, because when I got there, I couldn't see the moon. So I went back to my flat, and shot this from my balcony instead..

    Wreck of Esperance

    You obviously have skill for this sort of thing.. I have a few quibbles, though; the lighting is uneven - sky is too dark on the left. The form of the rocks also look unnatural, but this might be intended.. Keep working on it, and it should become very convincing.
  2. Asya! I remember seeing your wonderful self portraits on dpreview some years back.. Good to see you on photo.net. I like this photo, it is very strong, I like the grid that is made by the hands. I might steal this for a portrait of my own!
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