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Image Comments posted by h._p.


    Very, very odd. I really can't make up my mind if I like this one or not. The white and the dark blue is startling but as I look more closely at it I see too many things I don't like such as that very strange fuzziness at top right. Great originality but I don't on the whole, think it works.



    I always do :-)


    I'm afraid I think this is one of those shots that need to be in monochrome. The colour distracts quite badly from the graphics of the image. The basic proportions are quite good and you get away with the bright lamp because it's in the right place but in mono you could tone that right down and let the man have more prominence. I think this is one that would be worth playing with in Photoshop but at the moment it's not working in my opinion.

  1. Unlike the previous two comentators I don't like this at all. The wire running out of the edge of the picture, the boat jutting in from the other side... The angles of the two walls are interesting and if this had been just those two elements it would have made an interesting pattern shot with the deep sky.


    There's two things I don't like about this, one fixable, the other probably not. I think there's way too much space above his head which distracts from him. The second is that I have an odd feeling that his face is out of focus, even though I can see that it isn't. That's possibly due to the huge sweep of his robe confusing the eye. Having said all that, I think it's got the makings of a very good picture.


    I don't like this one at all. The colour doesn't work, the bars at top and bottom just seem pretentious, the girls are looking away from the viewer so you wonder what they're looking at, they're cut off at the knees... Beyond that it's been done a thousand times before and usually, much, much better.


    This is one of those technically fascinating pictures which ultimately don't appeal to me because there isn't anything for my eye to focus on. I do like the right hand side of the picture, the tree and the foliage are just right, but the left hand side seems weak to me. I think this is a love it or hate it job and I'm confused as to which camp I fall into.

    Small Stream

    Personally, I'd lop off the bottom 25% and see if you like it better. As it stands, there's no real focal point but with the bottom gone, the fall in the centre becomes much stronger.
  2. Technically, you've achieved what you set out to do. Personally, I don't think it does much for me. I can't see any point to this. If it was a study of the rock, very low sidelighting would have been more interesting. It might look good if blown up huge on a wall (40x30 perhaps) but otherwise, I'm afraid not.
  3. I'm afraid this is just bad. I can't work out what you're trying to show me and if I could it would be boring. You need to eliminate everything that isn't relevant to your image and remember that buildings shown square on aren't often interesting unless they have some strong pattern to them. Assuming the white building is the point of interest, you should have moved to the right, got closer and included some of the side to give it three dimensions.

    Sultry Pink

    Works very nicely. Although I don't normally like this sort of shallow depth of field stuff, you've got the balance just right and captured the swirl of the petals very well.

    Abstract 16

    I think I can see where you're going with this but I have to say I don't think you got there. The object on the left needs to be a little further right to really grab the eye and the white at top right is just too distracting. There needs to be some darker tone there to keep the eye in the image.

    Dead Fish...

    What can I say? This is unfortunately, just a bad, boring image. The fish is part of a jumble of objects and shadows and, although the colour forms a focal point of sorts, the intrusion of the metalwork and the shadow at the bottom weakens that too much. This might have worked a lot better if you'd turned to your left and shot horizontally, getting in closer and making the fish a much more prominent part of the composition but with that metalwork in the way, this was always going to be a bit of a chancy proposition.


    I have to say that I think this could have been much better. Cutting the men off at the knees and leaving in all that unnecessary space at the top weakens the image for me.
  4. I don't normally comment when lots of other people already have but this one is spot on the money. It would make a superb cover image for a book on farming or a magazine. Composition, with the cow curved over the calf, is excellent.
  5. I really can't say I like this sort of thing. It has no point of interest, nothing to capture the eye and it's been done way too often before, with no better result. Now if you'd managed to find a way of keeping the river in focus while blurring the landscape, that might have been interesting.


    Good idea but not quite well enough executed. You seem to be losing contrast somewhere but more importantly, this sort of "staring into the distance" approach doesn't really work very well unless the model has exceptionally sculptured features which grab the eye. On the other hand, the idea is well worth pursuing.

    Waiting for rain

    Not very interesting, Im afraid. It might have worked better if you'd arranged the log to be further left and up a bit to make it more a focal point than a distraction as it is now. The trouble with scenes like this is that, at the time, the ambience makes you feel that there is an image there somewhere but you have to really work to bring it out.
  6. I think this would have worked better without the big expanse of white to the right. Also, the angle makes the top of the handle fade away disconcertingly. Perhaps I would like it more if the angle of view were more from the right hand side to get more of a feel for the shape of the handle itself.
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