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Image Comments posted by jonmichael



    This sunset was stunning but only for about 45 seconds and then it was

    gone. I was so happy when captured this mood during the 45 second

    window of opportunity. the shot was taken when the water was going

    back into the ocean. A 2 sec exposure at f14.


    It's so hard to keep a shot simplified. Most beaches are filled with a

    chaos of ill placed stones and beach objects. I not quite sure if I am

    completely satisfied with the color balance and overall tone but this

    is a close as I can get. If anyone has good suggestions please let me

    know. Thanks for looking!

    Earth Curves


    I wish I could have made a cleaner composition. The waves seemed like

    they were out to get me. I had to keep on eye on them and one eye on

    the shot. Not for the faint at heart.

  1. The waves were big on this day, probably 10 foot swells. I wanted to

    capture the feel of them so I used a 6 sec shutter or less. The most

    difficult part of this shot was tying in the foreground while making

    the transition smooth.

    The Storm Wall

    So glad to see you back posting. Photo.net has lost a lot of it's charm lately. Storm Wall is my favorite of your new ones. I like the ocean feel. Spectacular contrast and movement. My only wish is more of those fantastic rocks in the forground. Other than that great job and it was nice to see you in Outdoor photographer magazine. Congrats
  2. Congrats on getting married. I love the detail on the boats and perfect simplified composition. This is a very common subject to shoot. I've seen Patrick's and others but your version is very unique.

    Jagged edges

    I love this one Kay. Dodge would be a good idea for the overall tone of the shot. I noticed you used the 16-35L for this one. Do you find it better than the 17-40L?

    Golden fog


    Really amazing kah. The splash infront of the sun is very unique. Nice job keeping some space obove the sun so not to crowd it. For it is the main subject and the space around it allows it to stand out. I only wish you could have got this shot two minutes later. I still find it amazing. Your photos keep getting better and better. Best Wishes.



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