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This is I think a much improved version, actually a different exposure taken a little later.

Specifications : Gitzo tripod, 3 stop hard ND grad, ISO 100, f11, shutter 72 seconds.

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Great formation here Kah, looks like the kind of place that could yield many different compositions. The jagged rocks are somewhat similar to a place that I've been to here in NSW. Of course some more light on the right hand side of the scene would be nice - maybe a pan to the left a bit?
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Thank you for your valued comments. This location is from one of the minor national parks around here but provided my first opportunity to work with jagged rocks Mike. I may try to dodge the area on the right to lighten the rocks selectively. Hopefully my PS skills will be OK with this.
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Fantastic! I like this one much better. And I agree on the rocks on the right, dodging would make it more pleading to the eye, as it is a little bit too dark. But overall - this is very beautiful and very well captured!
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I love this one Kay. Dodge would be a good idea for the overall tone of the shot. I noticed you used the 16-35L for this one. Do you find it better than the 17-40L?
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Hi Kit,


I am really impressed with your improvement over time. Your PP skills have certainly improved and I'm confident that in time you will be a great photographer. Do you visit Tasmania a lot, or are these photos from previous trips? It's really a nice and peaceful place, one can really relax in a place like this. I notice that you have Nikon and Canon. Do you think that Canon 5D is more suitable than Nikon for landscape scenes?


I'm not actively posting photos, but do keep in touch.




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Thank you all for your ratings & critiques. I have updated with a version that dodges the right rocks and also reduced some of the magenta in the sky. Andrew I prefer the 5D over the D200 for landscapes, it seems to be more detailed despite only 2 megs difference. As I like to do large prints I find this worthwhile. The low noise performance is also much better. However I have taken quite a few shots with the D200 too that I am very happy with blown up to a decent size. The Nikon 12-24mm lens is better than any Canon wide-angle. I have worked in Tasmania over the last year so I have the chance to shoot on many weekends.
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Incredible capture Kah, love the light and the calming atmosphere very much. You have freezed a truly eternal moment here.



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This is beautifull...

a little bit too dark on the right edge...

but overall this is a great shot !

and TQ for the tech details...

anyway I like to ask if you shot with shutter speed more than 1s, do you used lightmeter ? cause I never know how to calculate it...

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Thank you Abraham & Biswajit. Abraham, this photo was taken with very little light left in the sky hence the rather long exposure. I thought about dodging the left border but this area was naturally dark, being the furthest point from where the sun set in the frame. As for calculating the exposure time, I normally use the through the lens meter. I am afraid however when the shutter is longer than 30 seconds, you just have to guess. Keep in mind that the light at these times often is changing quite a lot. I have a fair bit of experience shooting in low light so I can usually make a reasonable guess at the exposure time. Thanks for visiting, you have some really good work in your budding portfolio.
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