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Image Comments posted by schafer


    I know it's kind of late after all last post of a contributor was in 2004 but I think that portaits in general can get really mundane and this really adds to the quality of the portrait.
  1. Really nice shot. Visually interesting. Love the tonality of the whole picture. Draws you in to inspect all of the deatils which are nice and clear. This would make an excellent poster size print. Thanks for sharing.

    the dream

    Quite nice. Good job of blending. Nice colors,contrast and clarity. Like to see the full cats body. But overall a really neat pic. Thanks for sharing.
  2. Came across this shot a little while agao through browsing the photos section. I didn't pay attention to the name of the photographer but thought that this was a really good shot of urban life and juxstaposition of urban sprawl. I hope it's not contrived, I highly doubt it. This is a shot that always keeps me coming back to your portfolio. You have a lot of really neat and intriguing images that I hope I have the skill to do someday. Thanks for sharing.

    The Guardians

    I love this picture and all of it's elements. It's really neat to see these two face off and a excellent capture at that. They do look like guardians. I see the green olor cast as well but I happen to think it does not effect the picture but only adds to it it by making it more intriguing. Thanks for sharing.

    Baby parrot

    Good picture. I believe that's a peach faced love bird probably 7-10 weeks old if the black on the tip of his beak is any indicator. I have a black masked love bird my self. Little tyrants the are. Good shot and thanks for sharing.


    IMHO I don't think a tighter crop is necessary. The eyes are drawn right into the middle of the subject where it's supposed to be. To much of a crop bring the image in closer and then what's the point of finding the little fella. Just a thought.
  3. I think all of the components of this photo work quite well. I even like the lens flare up top right perhaps because it to adds some interesting color. The only thing that I could see is that if you could blend the feet of the statue a bit more so it doesn't look like a layer or is floating. Ohter than that it's a real nice photo worthy of a sell or hanging.

    Baby Sloths

    That is fantastic. Never seen babies before. Little on the bright side but good shot of the two peeking over the box. Very cute. Thanks for sharing
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