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robert gordon

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Posts posted by robert gordon

  1. Schneider makes an f/2.8 PC lens. I use mine with a Contax mount, but I know mounts are also available for Leica, Nikon and Canon. Lens is about $2500 with one mount. If you have two or more mounts, just buy the appropriate mounts and use the lens on both/all systems.


    Super resolution and contrast.


    Bob Gordon

  2. I've given up on looking for the ideal photo bag(and buying many)and

    have for the past five years used a photo vest by Domke. Not only do

    I have much more freedom of movement but also when walking around

    European cities I can carry all my equipment, large quantities of

    film, newspapers or magazines, and snack food and soft drinks or


  3. I used my M2 from 1972 until Nov, 2001 when the shutter and film

    advanced died for the second time. I had the camera serviced and it

    was back in use less than a year when it died again. I was faced

    with replacing the shutter or buying an M6. I went with the M6. The

    very first time I used it I experienced viewfinder flaire

    (incadescent light). I never had this problem with my M2.

  4. I've owned an M2 since 1970 and currently have the latest 35mm and

    50mm Summicrons.




    While I carry the M2 with one of these lenses many places, I also

    often carry a Nikon TI with the 35mm f/2.8 lens. Wide open the lens

    is as good as my Zeiss SLR lenses but not up to Summicron quality

    (what is?). Exposure compensation is +/- two stops. One very nice

    is scale focusing that locks into place--unlike the Contax T2 or T3

    which have rotating wheels that easily dislog. I can set the

    focusing dial at 15 feet and the aperature at f/8 and shoot all day

    long in the street without having to do anything except compose and

    press the shutter release. Shutter lag is considerable more than the

    M2. One thing I hate is that (like most P/S) there is only one

    camera strap lug.




    Bob Gordon

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