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Everything posted by mike_halliwell

  1. <blockquote> <p>Nikon 400mm f2.8, which is now clocking in at $11,500</p> </blockquote> <p>You'd think they could make a 400mm f4 for about £4000 and save everyone all this teleconverter hassle...</p> <p>...afterall the current new price for the 200mm f2 is ~£4000 and the 300mm f2.8 is ~£4000 too!</p> <p>Mind you, it makes the £1900 for the 80-<strong>400</strong>mm G <strong>5.6 </strong>seem cheap and it's only a stop slower!</p>
  2. mike_halliwell

    Nikon D750

    <p>If the true spec is indeed 6.5fps in burst mode, Nikon have really messed up big-time....</p> <p>....unless it's 8 or 9 with a grip..(just like the D700 it's replacing???)</p> <p>6.5 just doesn't cut it. Sorry that's a big fat FAIL.</p> <p>The D610 does 6fps...what's the point of 6.5 for 'Action'?</p>
  3. <p>Do you have any lenses already, maybe from the Nikon film era? Otherwise, unless you're into retro lens use, the future is with AFS or it's equivalent lenses. That being said the 7000 series are better handling cameras. They are also due for an update soon, so you may find a good deal on an older model.</p> <p>I have a D5100 and a D5300. The wifi and GPS are sometimes handy with the later variant as is the better AF implementation in Live View.</p> <p>I'd go and have a play in a camera shop, hands-on 'research' will decide it for you....:-)</p>
  4. <blockquote> <p>The cinemizer OLED can be connected to a DSLR camera via a digital HDMI or analog video interface to transform it into an electronic viewfinder.</p> </blockquote> <p>I can't see any wires, but it doesn't mention remote or wireless or wifi?</p> <p>So there's a 20ft cable going into the back of this guys head from the camera up a boom pole...really?</p> <p>I can imagine having my tablet on top of a 3ft pole with my camera at the bottom and filming/shooting a cat's view on the world.</p>
  5. mike_halliwell

    Nikon D750

    <p>The rumor has it that the D750 is 'only' 24MP....:-)</p> <p>Putting your fav. old D lens on a 36MP sensor doesn't make it a worse picture.....just not as good as it could be with a more modern lens.</p> <p>However, it's not a case of <em>ALL</em> modern ones, there's new lemons just as well as old gems.</p>
  6. <p>I get an error 404 on that link.</p> <p>I guess you mean FPV, or First Person Viewer glasses? The aerial photo guys use them to see what the plane sees and thus the camera. As the D5*** series has only one lens etc, it's going to be a non-stereoscopic viewer, it may be binocular but that's different.</p> <p>I suppose if you put a WU-1a wireless adapter into it, you could use a tablet to see the live view remotely.</p> <p>I use my D5300 (with inbuilt wifi) and DSLR Dashboard app on Android to do wireless tethering to my Nexus 7 tablet....and for Windows XP with the Win App. on my netbook.</p>
  7. mike_halliwell

    Nikon D750

    <blockquote> <p>or (my favourite) leaving out the screwdriver AF motor...</p> </blockquote> <p>For an <em><strong>action</strong> </em>camera, you'll be needing to use AF-S lenses or the equivalent names from independent makers...so having a body motor is useless. And do away with that stupid aperture follower tab slot...it's a big gash right past the weatherproof lens mount right into the gizzards of the thing........and just waiting for water and dust ingress.</p> <p>If you're into AF-D lenses, this camera isn't meant for you....and you'd be far better off with another FX body, with more resolution blah, blah.....</p>
  8. <p>Is this the first non-nikon lens for the Nikon 1 Series?</p>
  9. <p>Interesting link from B&H...</p> <p>http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1076870-REG/rokinon_rmc7_5_ni_7_5mm_t_3_8_fisheye_lens.html</p>
  10. mike_halliwell

    Nikon D750

    <p>If the flip-out screen isn't a red-herring, it's a very good way to turn away 'real pros' who feel it's a weakness and need to buy an armoured D4S...</p> <p>...whereas the prosumer is gentler on their kit and can't afford a D4S.</p> <p>I've never had a moment's concern for the screens on my D5100 and D5300 and I'll admit to using them both at an airshow, one long lens and one short zoom and dropping them into and getting them out of the camera bag rapidly. They never got caught-up or snagged on anything.</p>
  11. <p>My poor D300 screen is now so 'used' that it's tricky to see in sunlight. It seems to show reflected 'flare' from everywhere and have very, very low contrast.</p> <p>After some gentle experimenting, I found repeated wipes with an IPA moistened lens tissue removed most of the grub. I then applied one of the peel-off and stick on protectors and the transparency of the screen seems to have been greatly improved.</p> <p>I'm not sure whether the actual surface is glass or very hard polycarbonate coated with an AR coating or what?</p> <p>If it's uncoated glass I'd be tempted to re-polish it.</p>
  12. <p>Have you got any other hot-shoe mounted flashes you could try? Even a manual old metz or something.</p> <p>I guess it could be the internal connector to the entire hot-shoe from the camera equivalent of the motherboard is disconnected/defective.</p> <p>If it doesn't detect either of the powered up flashes, it pretty poorly...:-(</p> <p>I assume if it can't detect it, it can't fire it? However, a manual flash just effectively needs the centre pin be shorted to ground to fire. You could probably check the closed-circuit (or not) with a multimeter as a continuity tester.</p> <p>As mentioned, if you can fire your flash via the camera's PC socket but not the camera's hotshoe, the hotshoe's at fault. As <strong><em>neither</em></strong> 800 will fire, it's very unlikely to be the flash's base connector at fault.</p>
  13. <p>Love the Eagle launch......like a missile leaving a silo!</p> <p>Macro shot from my garden pond....A Green Bottle Fly.</p><div></div>
  14. mike_halliwell

    Nikon D750

    <p>D4S Bulletproof</p> <p>D750 Consumerproof</p> <p>Simples...:-)</p>
  15. mike_halliwell

    Nikon D750

    <p>Marc M, I'm very happy for you.</p> <p>But, you're <strong><em>obviously</em></strong> not pushing the imaging envelope....:-)</p>
  16. mike_halliwell

    Nikon D750

    <p>Doh, I knew there was something nagging the back of my mind!.</p> <p>So, a FX D750 and DX D7200 'Action Camera' double release in presidented!</p> <p>.........and they only just missed the 7 year anniversary!</p>
  17. mike_halliwell

    Nikon D750

    <p>But where's the D7<strong>2</strong>00? The expected camera at Photokina...:-)</p> <p>I don't think they have ever co-released an FX and DX camera together...have they?</p> <p>Mind you, if it is the D700's true successor <strong><em>and</em></strong> the D7200 has all the 'flaws' that made it NOT the next D300S fixed, it's a mighty interesting pairing they've made!!!</p> <p><em><strong> NAS</strong></em>? what's that..:-)</p> <p> </p>
  18. <p>Tom, good info, many thanks! Never really thought just <em>how</em> thin they'd be.</p> <p>Someone told me that green laser pointers show through thin gold leaf OK....mind you that is pretty intense light..:-)</p> <p>CFL lights are renowned for sometimes producing green > magenta 'stripes' on CCDs, can something similar be happening visually with the 2 distinct wavelength peaks?</p> <p>EDIT. The fact a 'continuous source', like a Tungsten bulb or daylight seems OK, seems to be conclusive.</p> <p> </p>
  19. <blockquote> <blockquote> <p>Newtons rings caused by separated elements</p> </blockquote> <p>MM Not likely when the filter is indeed created from 1 piece of glass..</p> </blockquote> <p>Maybe the evaporated-on metallic coating is 'lifting' by a few microns? As both are, in-effect, transparent, and they are semi-touching, I guess you could make Newton's Rings.</p> <p>If the OP can see interference rings by eye, it's just a filter fault, no lenses, no internal camera reflection etc etc.</p>
  20. mike_halliwell

    Nikon D750

    <p>If, with the emphasis on <em><strong>IF</strong></em>, the leaked specs emerging are true and the price point is right (!), I can see Nikon selling lots of these.</p> <p>Probably has...<br> Twin SD slot, both UHS II compatable.<br> GPS<br> WiFi<br> ...and if Nikon want to try and get the jump on Canon, possibly 4k as-well.</p>
  21. mike_halliwell

    Nikon D750

    <p>I think the ..."Who <strong><em>needs</em></strong> a 9fps FX camera (and can't/won't afford a D4s)?</p> <p>..........is a very similar question to........</p> <p>"Who actually <strong><em>needs</em></strong> 36MP?"</p> <p>The answer, from a business point-of-view, is 'Who cares, as long as we sell them at the price we want'.</p> <p>...and the D800/D810 is apparently selling nicely.</p> <p>From a business sense it's either <strong>No Sale</strong> of a D4s or <strong>Sale</strong> from a D700 replacement. Which makes more sense. money or no money? There's a balance, sure, but you need two things to make it balance!</p> <p>If Nikon can't make a D4S and a lesser D4S, called a D750 or whatever, aimed at more-or-less the same market, but slightly lower spec and cheaper, what were they thinking with the D3 & D700? Now, you can say they won't make the same mistake twice, but you gotta say what were they thinking would happen in the first place? </p> <p>Maybe, the D4S is over priced?</p> <p> </p>
  22. mike_halliwell

    Nikon D750

    <blockquote> <p>My gut feeling is that the rumor sites will let you down, again.</p> </blockquote> <p>Indeed, the Rumour Site in question has absolutely nothing on anything to replace your poor taped-up D300.</p> <p>Sad, but true....it's a funny old World.</p> <p> </p>
  23. mike_halliwell

    Nikon D750

    <p>It's amazing this thread is still running....bizarre to say the least.</p> <p>I mentioned the rumoured 'D9300' <strong><em>once</em></strong> in a posting and got stomped on...I was told it triggered the photo.net 'bozo' filter. Guess it's been reset now??</p>
  24. <p>Well, I guess it goes without saying you'll be taking RAW (for shadow recovery) and JPEG (to show on the day (night!)</p> <p>Time for ISO 'silly' as-well......noise will emulate film grain quite well.</p> <p>White balance with sunset <em><strong>and</strong></em> flash??, maybe a slight warm-up gel on the flash head?...and if all else fails, make a B/W and sepia it...:-)</p>
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