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patrick tom

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Posts posted by patrick tom

  1. Does anyone think this camera will have the weird image noise the 20d produces in raw with 1600 or 3200 iso and external flash? What if the camera produces better images than 20d...It may be my second body...I would love it like it was my 20d...Does anyone think a 30d or whatever next gen 20d be out at end of this year or begin of next year...10mp?...sweet...is it possible on a 1.6 x crop sensor...Ok I'm just kind of curious I need a second body...with my d sensor... accumulating dust bunnies in...flocks?(flock o bunnies?)...I'm trying to change lenses less often also giving me added speed to respond to whatever comes my way...as well as a back up body...2nd body here I come...Thanks
  2. Hello I was wondering if anyone is using the 458b manfrotto

    tripod legs...I'm using a 20d...and want a good tripod for landscape,

    some macro, and portraiture...I'm thinking about a ball head...and the

    458b...it's super cool...but I want something that will last and is

    functional...I played around with the legs in a store...I found them

    to be pretty cool but in reality if your tripod jams or fails at any

    point...the coolness goes right out the window...I've also handled

    the 3221 bogen...it seems pretty stable...lots of

    recommendations...is there anything for about $450...legs and head

    anyone could recommend...I'm not fond of the gitzos...because of the

    twists locks...I can be in kind of in a rush to set up...light

    changes so fast...which is why I'm liking the 458b legs...Thanks a lot

  3. Ok...this is the question I asked myself when I went into clean my

    sensor...I used the sensor swab with eclipse optic cleaner...the

    sensor swab I used was huge...type 2...it fit right over the sensor..

    no way to rotate over the sensor as per the directions...Is that good?

    I went back to my local store(great people in Berkeley)...I told them

    the swab was so big I actually hit the side walls of the sensor

    chamber...I was afraid I would knock dust into the sensor...it fits

    perfect but your hands have to angle it perfectly into the chamber to

    not hit the wall...something I don't feel like practicing...I

    returned the swabs...they ordered me smaller swabs...I'd pay extra


    if... A Canon put a sensor cleaner express desk up here...B A self

    cleaning device like Olympus...If I send the camera to them...can

    they actually clean the entire chamber and sensor...I don't mind

    maintenance on my camera...I do it for my car yet I love my camera

    way more than my car...Thanks

  4. Will I lose any shooting speed if I use the regular sandisk...as

    oppose to the ultra 2...I don't need the speed all the time...but I

    don't want to put in anything that will slow me down...I shoot in

    raw...and can go through cards(512mb) like crazy...Thanks...Specs wise

    doesn't the regular have a much slower write speed...

  5. Are there any other places beside the sensor or the lens that

    dust and dirt can have an effect on the image? I have a 20d and tried

    to blow the dust off the sensor. It worked for a big nasty clump, but

    now I have notice spots on the left corner that look consistent with

    a dirty sensor but those particle spots don't seem to go away. I went

    to my local Berkeley,CA...they recommended an Eclipse optical cleaning

    system which includes fluid...and an individually sealed swab

    especially made for cleaning sensors...Touching the sensor...I

    shutter at the thought...I'm addicted to shooting and have a vacation

    coming up...in the next two days...I can't send it out to Canon...and

    get my camera back in time...it's showing up at F8...I haven't really

    tested it out too extensively...I might have to shoot around it...I

    have cropped some of the images to shed the particle spots but of

    course prefer not to do that...any help...maybe somewhere close to

    the SF Bay Area that cleans sensor...are there any rush jobs at a

    cost? Thank you very much

  6. I just got two flashes(two canon 580 exes)...I'm thinking about a

    third light to do portraits...fairly portable...I also wanted some

    umbrellas that would work well with both the flashes and studio

    stobes...it sounds like I through down a lot on those flashes but I

    got an irresistible deal...same price as two 550 ex...in this set up

    would I just be better off with a third canon flash? Thanks a lot...

  7. Hello...I just bought two 580 exes...nearly the same price for

    two 550 exes...imagine if I spent the grand + for two flashes without

    flash accessories...do the 580 exes even come with rechargeable

    batteries...they should be arriving today...any recommendations for

    brackets...There's no stofen omnibounce available yet right...some of

    you might think I wasted my dough...if I don't make them sing...and

    dance...there's always ebay...thanks...oh yeah I use a 20d...

  8. I'm kind of curious what you want to shoot specifically...if I had that 70-200 is I would just go to the gym...is is so darn useful for event photography...inside or outside...I tried it with a 70-200 f4 in overcast...I had to shoot at f4 and f5.6 at iso 1600 watching the shutter speed constantly...fortunately I had the 20d... I have only one prime...the 50 f2.5 macro...I've used it for self portraits and macro the subject doesn't move...the 135 f2.8 seems a bit long for

    general digital uses...

  9. Have you tried boosting the iso...the 20d can rock at 1600 even

    at the 3200 custom function especially if it's just for the net...(might need the 1.1.0 update if banding appears)...otoh if you're really having problems trying to make the lens go past 300mm without an adapter the iso boosting won't help...

  10. Hello I bought the 20d when it first came out...first I thought maybe I should wait...because when new technology comes out there always seems to be bugs in the soup...but I thought it's Canon...

    they'll fix the problem if any should arise...second I could have bought the 10d for $500 less...but ettl 2 and high iso intrigued me...I've shot 4800 shots in three months...learned so much about photography...third of course the 20d is going down in price...outside

    forces(Nikon for one) are pushing Canon...to bring out new technology faster as well as price control...there's a lot of first time buyers, upgraders, and prepetual upgraders left to buy...but I wanted to shoot...I've waited and waited 3 mp,4 mp,6mp,now 8 mp...that was my point to buy...with the images I've produced...I can see myself eventually with a ids mark 3 or 4...my 20d will be worth $500 by then

    but the images...oh the images...priceless...

  11. Ok I just bought two 580 exes...I was thinking about getting the

    ste2 transmitter as well, besides extra range I'm assuming what other

    benefits would I get from the transmitter...I can completely off

    camera with an off camera cord and using one as a slave...right...

    Thank you

  12. Anyone using the Nikkor prime wa lenses with adapter instead of the

    eos lenses prime or zoom on a 20d because of the better wide angles

    of the nikkor lens...it almost sounds as if you're better off doing

    this...since the 10-22 doesn't seem to deliver the goods for

    "serious photographers"...eventhough I just bought the 17-85...the

    word is it won't deliver...at the wide...either...do I really need

    to buy the 17-40 just to get a decent landscape image..I bought the

    17-85 mostly for IS and the extra 30mm...I'm trying to limit

    some of the lens changing...my 18-55 seems like it won't have any use

    but maybe "knock on verneer" my 17-85 is might need repair because

    of that IS...<div>00AFc8-20644484.thumb.JPG.0df9feac726749010bbfef5d43b750ac.JPG</div>

  13. Hello, I have a 20d and it rocks...the refinement of fps,lower iso noise, 2mps better, ettl 2 is it worth perhaps about $700+ difference...probably not...you could get a really good printer or

    get some nice prime lenses with that...but what if you have all that..

    I'd buy the 20d...since higher iso on the camera is more usable, the

    style of your digital photography can change...play with your dcamera

    if you don't like erase...I have a question for Ben or anyone who knows where I could get one of those $10 third party batteries...Thanks

  14. I'm interested in the same two lenses and their comparisons as well...I will be eagerly viewing the results...but if one had the means it seems one could actually justify both...the 17-85 seems to

    be a good everyday lens especially in lowlight( I just shot in lowlight conditions which I could have used that IS...) sometimes you don't want to have to open the lens up and get shallow dov...and a tripod is just not free enough...basically the IS gives you more

    spontaneous creative options...I didn't realize this until I tried

    to shoot without a tripod at dawn in overcast with a 70-200 f4 l lens

    I had to shoot at 1600 iso...we'll see when I print the images...I can see a 70-200 f2.8 IS in my future...the 17-40 f4 could be used mostly for landscape when the extra sharpness can really be used...I don't think the 17-40 will work as an everyday lens...is 40mm long enough for you...I hope I added something to your choosing...good


  15. Hello...I thought I made up my decision...I still can't do it...

    people have said that 580 ex is not that big of improvement over the

    550 ex...but it seemed much of that was speculation...has anyone used

    two 550 exes or two 580 exes or one 580 ex and one 550 ex...I realize

    one of the benefits of owning two of the 500 series flashes...in case

    one goes down...you have the other one to rely on as a main flash...

    What do think of the results of using two flashes...theoretically you

    should be able to get more in the frame with two 580 exes...how much

    more...Thanks...a lot

  16. I'm new to photography but I bought the 20d...did I compare the drebel to it...that was going to be my next camera about 2 months ago...the 10d was too close to the d rebel for me to spend 500 more...

    then I read about the 20d coming out and I salivated...although I'm

    new to photography I've wanted a camera for awhile and been hunting

    for the perfect digital camera for me...there's things to compare but

    I've not owned both just read about...ettl2 much improved over ettl...

    start up time...continuous shooting...resolution...iso noise...black and white feature...take it out of the box and start shooting with it to its near limits...low iso noise is so cool add that with b&w feature...it's like changing film shot to shot...is it worth it...

    honestly if you don't want to expose any of those features...I don't

    think it's worth it...but another idea...which I might of done if

    I were concerned about finances...buy the d rebel...buy two or three

    lenses...in order to get the canon rebates and prepare for the next canon offering or the next one after that...want to see where digital

    technology can go...someone mentioned to take a look at the new 1ds..

    I did...and wow...are the prosumer cameras going to hit that height...

    let's cross our fingers...at least we know there is still room it can

    improve...if the next cameras get that good...you won't be posting here asking about its worth...btw...with the 20d release 10d's have come down in price and there available used if you want the extra features and durability over the drebel...

  17. oh yeah...the difference with you trying it in the store...is the

    retail professional doesn't let you touch the lens if you have nacho

    sauce on you hands and the other is if the package is opened I will be

    able to get a good look at the lens before I throw down the dough...

    ps how many times can a lens go across the U.S. or around the world

    in the UPS,Fedex, or usps without getting damaged?

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