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Image Comments posted by j_kluska


    A flash unit set up low and in front of them (or a reflector)would have filled in their shadows nicely while still leaving the one at left...but I guess that we can't have everything, now can we???

    Wedding I


    Fill flash would have worked well for you here. That way they wouldn't have to squint from being turned into the bright sun.


    The only nit-picky thing I have is that the footprints (yours, I think)in otherwise undisturbed sand are a little distracting and the couple looks just a bit too far to the left side of the frame...jmo.

  1. I too like this photo alot. I love the arm coming to dump confetti on them!


    I think that I would like to see more or less of the guy on the left. I know I'm being picky. This is a terrific grab shot! Cropping him out puts fewer people in the shot and produced less of the festive atmosphere that you'd want. But only having half of him is just a wee bit distracting.


    I'd still put this on the mantle, though...

    Dance fever


    I agree witht the cropping idea. The dancer on the left is a distraction and the people in the background on each side don't add to the photo.


    I usually don't go for this colorizing treatment, but it helps separate the two from the other dancers. What if you try brining in their skin/hair tones?Right now it looks as if two dresses are dancing together...jmo.



    I like the shot, alot.


    His suits' a little on the dark side (could be my monitor). Fairly clean surroundings for a wedding reception. Nice job.





    Very strong image. I like it.


    The fact that his rifle/bayonet isn't parallel to the others strengthens his position in the photo. Is that a woman behind him? Outstanding!


    Great grab!



  2. I like it.


    All of the ballustrades really work well here. However, my eye wants to see more of the fountains in the background, since that seems to be were its being lead to.


    Tonally, it seem a little bland. The whites are a bit too dark. This was probably a tough exposure, given the time of day. This location would also be a good spot for some night time shooting.

  3. Nicely done. Very pleasing colors.


    My eye is having a little trouble with the town in the background. It seems a little distracting. I realize that there's not much, besides cropping, that you can do about it. But it does tend to pull my eye away from the church.

    Oval Officer


    Bravo, James!


    It IS about the photographs, NOT the politics!


    I could tell from first view that this had to have been grabbed quickly. No one gets that close and has enough time to set up a tripod and LF gear! Four cameras shot in 20 seconds??! I could pretty much be assured that I wouldn't come out with one usable image, much less THIS ONE; WOW! You must have had a blast!


    I LOVE grain. Think it works especially well here and exposure looks spot on! Your subject's personality jumps right out of the image.


    I like it...alot.

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