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Image Comments posted by j_kluska



    Both nice shots. This is definitely the better of the two. Erika may be right about the contrast. But I think its more of the composition here, along with the soft tones that make this a the better...





  1. Interesting about the star effect...does that happen with film as well? What equipment did you use and how long was your exposure?


    So the foreground builng angles are not plumb...but what about the background buildings? They lean pretty heavily to the right, too...


    Don't get me wrong. I still like this image, alot.



    I agreewith the earlier post. Cropping along the wood umbrella(?) pole would eliminate the distractive clutter on the left side. You might also think about coming up from the bottlom and down from the top a bit, as well; I'm seeing a good square image in there...


    Nice scene.



  2. Interesting image. The star filter works well here. Quite a bit of color too!!


    My only comment is that your verticle lines are a bit off. I know that you'll get convergence when doing wide angle stuff, but everthing seems to be leaning to the right...



    Gas Pumps


    I removed (cloned out) dust particles from the scan and cropped in from the original print.


    Thanks for stopping by and offering a critique.





    Shasta Dam


    Nice photo.


    Seems a little bit dark; not much, just a bit. A slightly longer exposure (can I use that term when talking digital?) may have helped the shadow detail a bit, but you also run the risk of blowing out your highlights. Perhaps some dodging and burning would help. It aslo seems like it could use a bit more contrast.


    I like the composition and I like the feel of this. It just needs some "pop" to it.



    I've only been able to see DC in blossom season once...and that was without a camera, ...


    I agree with the earlier post concerning the middleground distractions. It also seems that your horizon is off, just a bit (monument is listing to the right a bit).



  3. I completely disagree witht he prior comment. I like what you were going for here. I'm just bothered by her being, pretty much, centered.


    On the one hand I like the inclusion of the minister. But on the other, I think thet cropping him out and squaring off the image, might be to your advantage. However, in order to get it completely square, you may wind up cropping yourself out too. I'd play with it a bit more to see what you can get out of it.


    She needs to be burned in just a tad bit as well.







    Nice image. Actually, I see about three or four images here...


    My monitor shows noise in the water with movement....? Digital? Not sure about the upper 1/4 of the photo, but I think I'd crop the left edge a little (about 8-10%....


    just some thoughts...

  4. A refreshing perspective. Not the same ol' same ol'...


    My only suggestion would be to crop up to the bend in the roadway and in from the right just a bit. The white pinnacles in the bottom left distract a bit and the two rooflines, just above the tree on the right don't seem to contribute much..



  5. Max:

    Your light source looks a little hot and has produced some distracting/unflattering (effect on nose) shadows.


    I would suggest a couple of things...cut down abit on the light intensity and perhaps use a second light source off to her left in order to cancel out the shadows.


    I would also used a much shorter DoF and ajust your light accordingly, in order to throw the background a tad out of focus and make this more of a portrait.


    Those are just a couple of suggestions from someone that doesn't do much portraiture. Perhaps another here can jump in with even better advise.



    Well done. A very challenging scene, which you've captureed nicely.


    I like the contrasts. But I really like the dark tones that you've got going here... and without blowing out the highlights? Is this a scan of the print?


    Print this one fairly large...10x10 or better?

    Camel Market Guard


    He doesn't look very trustful!!! Do you think he enjoyed having his photo shot? (Probably a bad choice of words...)


    I like the photo. You captured it the way I probably would have had I the opportunity. DoF is great.


    As I sat and kept viewing the image, I kept wanting to play with it; crop it differently. Because you didn't include his feet or the bottom of the buttstock on the shotgun, I think some liberal cropping may bring more attention to his face.


    I hope you don't mind. I've attached a couple quick croppings. Feel free to tell me I'm wrong, if you think so...

  6. Looks like I would have taken it...very flat (sorry), square on, blown out highlights......done on purpose? This could be a very nice waterfall...needs an ND filter and a longer exposure from an oblique angle...but then, you already know that....
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