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Image Comments posted by oskar

    a home..


    I really like the point you are trying to make here. I think photographs can be very powerful when pointing at problems. What's unfortunate about this image is that you have to think too much to get the problem. It doesn't scream POVERTY into your eye. Here is my suggestion for improvement:

    1) Crop the image to what's important. Too much stuff around is just confusing, especially if it's sharp like this.

    2) More contrast helps in many cases to just make the image... stronger.

    3) A trick for this image to make the eye focus more on the poor house: burn (darken) the surroundings in photoshop or any other similar program (try "the gimp" if you don't have photoshop - it's free from the web).

    I am attaching what I had in mind.

    All of this is of course just my opinion. But I hope it helps... :) And keep shoting images like this one! It's important to remind us how bad life for some of us is.



    Nice photo. A little critique: The background is too distracting for me, even though it's blurred. The eye goes for the bright spots in the photo and that's the trunk, not the bird. Maybe you can burn the bright parts a little in photoshop and see if that helps? Otherwise a nice image...


    I think I like the image. Nice work with the lighting. Would it be possible to get a photo with a higher resolution? The jpg artefacts (blurred blocks) are really visible and make it hard to appreciate the image...


    I like the image, but as a beer drinking German (though Heineken is Dutch) I cannot approve of the message. Nice image though.

    The Fourth Cup

    Technically I think this is well done and nice image. I am not sure whether it works for me, though. I was utterly confused on what the deeper point of the image was until I read the title. Maybe if there were a few empty bottles in the background? Not sure if that would have made it clearer...

    City shot

    I miss Boston. Nice picture, Love the colors. Too bad it's blown out white at the right. Maybe use a hard ND grad filter and adjust it to run parallel with the clouds? Nice picture anyway.



    Here is what i had in mind. Something along that line, though it makes the scenery look very dark, so that might not be what you wanted to show when shooting the image...

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