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Image Comments posted by oskar

    Empty Street

    Nice location, but too much like most other night shots. It simply is boring without an element that captures the attention of the eye. A person would be perfect. Next time use the timer on the camera and then place yourself in some corner, sitting or standing against a wall. It will make the photo so much more powerful.


    A nice wide-angle portrait. Don't see that too often. The halo around the head bothers me a little, it seems like obvious dodging... But I like it a lot.


    The shape of the dead tree is interesting, but the over-exposure doesn't do it for me. It might be worth, if you can, to go back before sunset and take another photo then, because the side light will bring out the structure of the tree better.

    Croft St.


    I don't think this one quite lives up to the greatness of your other photos. Here are my suggestions:

    1) You absolutelly need a focus of attention, most likely a person - there is none in this photo. Next time use the self-timer and place yourself in the photo if no-one else is passing by.

    2) I'd do it in b/w (see attached image). This is almost monochrom anyway, so the color doesn't add, so why not do it b/w.

    Otherwise it's a nice angle and a good location.


    The Albert

    Did the colorful house really stick out like this? Or did you desaturate the background? Also the image seems slightly tilted. Nevertheless, I like the framing of the small brick one by the large buildings...

    River path

    Love it. Usually I would think in this kind of picture you need some object of interest (e.g. a person walking by) to keep the viewer interested, but you just proved me wrong. Very, very nicely done.


    It is a very simple and nice photo. However, I am not as impressed as with all your other photos. What is really odd is how it sticks out when you look at the whole folder of "single shots". I think the other photos really work together showing what you look for, what impresses you: A lot of lines and abstract compositions, parts of objects. The folder is a good example where the whole is more than its parts. But this one doesn't go with it. It feels too ... ordinary compared to the other photos (I hope you don't mind the harsh critique). Again, it's a nice photo, but I think if you were to place this one and the other flower photo in a new folder, it would make more sense.
  1. I love fog. I love walking alone in the fog. However, whenever I try to take photos of it, I cannot quite reproduce the feeling. Where I have failed, you have succeeded. This is a great example of how to make a good fog image: you need lines for contrast with the fog and you need objects at different distances to really realize the fog is there. I am still not sure what to do in reaaally thick fog, but I will experiment more. Anyway, this is a great inspiration and prime example on how to do it right. Well done.
  2. I think the filter is overdone the image. I think i would like the original better as many interesting textures are already there. Higher contrast and sharpening at the most instead of the filter.

    city park

    Nice, but the blown out clouds hurt the eye and draw all the attention away from the pretty park. Either a) use a ND grad filter next time or b) underexpose the image a little and then dodge the park and burn the sky or c) crop out the sky more.


    Sweet. The fill flash is used just enough that you don't really notice it was there and still see the t-shirt of the guy. Works well with the background colors.

    Flower Garden

    Somehow there is not much color information in the red flowers. They seem to have the same uniform red. Was this taken on cloudy day? A sunny day (I know you don't have much control over this, but for next time) might have given more interesting contrasts. Also, it seems uniformly blurred. Where was the focus point? Did you use a soft filter? If so, I am not sure it's working. After all the critique I also want to say I really like the composition and framing. So keep trying.
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