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Posts posted by rs1

  1. Hello all,<br>

    <p>I recently acquired a couple of old Paterson System 4 tanks (part

    of my Omega enlarger purchase). The enlarger was great but I was

    disappointed to find tiny hairline cracks on the bottom of both

    tanks. The reels were in good shape but is there any way to repair

    the tanks? I initially thought of super glue but can that co-exist

    with the various chemicals that will be poured into the tank? Is

    epoxy glue more compatible? Or should I just throw the bloody things

    in the trash?</p>

    <p>Thanks for your replies!</p>



  2. Thank you everyone for your informative responses. I am glad to know I am on the right track here.

    I will try all the suggestions and also I'll give D76 a try. Although I am not against grain, I was comparing with the results I get with Ilford XP2 (C41 stuff) and the grain with Tri-X is definitely more.


    I was being too careful pouring in the developer, I should be able to do it within 10 seconds next time into my el'cheapo plastic tank.


    I'll try running the film at 200 ISO (overexposing 1 stop) and see how that turns out with my T Max developer. More practice to get my process down.


    Thanks everyone! I am fired up! Off to load in another roll...

  3. Hello,

    <p>I processed my very first roll of BW film (TriX 400) and I am not

    sure what to think of the results. I followed all the instructions

    for developer, stop bath and fixer as best I could (when pouring the

    developer, I took a little more time than was recommended, around 25

    seconds). I poured out the developer about 10 seconds before the set

    time. Followed the development instructions on the film box, 61/4

    minutes for Tri X Professional 400. Used T Max developer, Ilford

    Rapid Fixer and Kodak Indicator Stop Bath.</p>


    <p> I found negatives to be generally quite dull looking, lack of

    contrast and pronounced grain. I took all the photos today. It was

    partly cloudy so lighting was a little flat. But still, I expected

    brighter looking images.</p<


    <p>I have scanned in some of the pictures and posted in

    <a href=




    For all images, I adjusted the scanner for brightness and contrast.

    I opened each file in GIMP and desaturated because the scanner was

    not correcting for the base color of the film. </p>


    What did I do wrong? Any pointers will be much appreciated.



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