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Image Comments posted by ash_herring

  1. thanks for the feedback. The shot was taken in the Olgas, about 30km away from Ayres Rock (should have mentioned that in the location).


    Yeah agree there is room for improvement in the framing of the shot. Didn't realise how great the sky looked in this shot until I got home and downloaded the photos, otherwise I might have taken a dozen different shots at this location.

    Croc surfacing

    Great composition and subject! Only improvement I would suggest would have been to go for a wider aperture so the water ripples are slightly more out of focus - just this it would make the croc standout even more (and after all he is the *star* of the photo!)
  2. Thanks for the feedback. Yeah, Ayres Rock is a great photo subject. Some people complain about the intensity of the sun in Central Oz for taking photos, but I actually think it worked for the better - the high light levels allow you to use a narrow aperture and still get very fast exposure times. A polarizing filter was essential however.

    "Lost and Found"

    Great shot. The inverted picture you submitted just hurt my brain trying to figure it out, where as this one makes sense straight away. The inverted image in the puddle is actualy easier for the eye to intepret because it expects to see a refelected image upside down.


    Love the way the shadows work in this picture, graduating darker to the edges of the frame. Looks great. Good dynamic range also between the brightness of the top of the stairs and the dark shadows on the walls.
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