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Image Comments posted by cdamkat

  1. haha, I see your dilemma, well for me there are no real rules, I just like to look at the fork more, the house isn't very interesting but just distracting to me and in a strange location (in the sea), Maybe it's just a matter of taste.


    Well actually it's quite natural, it's like plants grow, they repeat themselves. I don't know if you fractals ?, I was playing around with them for a while, propably that stimulated this idea, Thanks !
  2. A little girl climbing the stairs of life, very nice capture! The contrast between the vulnarable girl and the timeless/everlasting stairs is great, even without this philosophical blahblah, great photo!
  3. Maybe some space above the bench, in this way it seems impossible for anybody to sit on it, I like to street in front, it gives you the feeling that you're there/that you can enter the picture.


    Somehow it looks like the colors have faded, it would look much better if it was more colorfull, same thing for the sharpness. It's like a nice painting but somehow you used the wrong paint. Maybe conditions with more sun will give better results, or some setting of your camera or scanner, and don't take the 1's serious.


    Nice sharp image, only it's too open in my opinion, the large plane on the left top, there's no clear end to the picture, you should try capture and force the eye to look at the bubbles. Try using a border, a different color in the top left, making it darker in open spaces, cropping it, etc.
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