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Image Comments posted by cdamkat


    Only one flower in focus in this photo makes it seem somewhat incomplete to me. Would try a longer DOF, I like the red black contrast.

    detail #4

    Detail of what ?, i've seen the other shots so I know. But this image by itself doesn't give a hint, only that there is a strange dark spot in the back. Maybe a longer DOF, but I think you should look for another detail.
  1. Thanks, for commenting and giving this photo some background.


    The initial intention was not to focus only on guns but more on weapons/defense in general.


    But about guns I stick to the point that : "As long as we don't trust each other, shit will keep happening. And guns are a big sign of distrust. But maybe I'm talking about some illusionairy utopia now, but if we don't believe in such a thing it will surely never be realized."


    Like I enjoy baywatch, but i don't think it is good. The water look very bad and the hair looks strange, which could have been artistic, but then looking at the lower half of the photo which gives it a turn in a different direction.
  2. I get some of your points. But there is offcourse a big difference between your country and mine. In my country guns have never been legal, keeping it illegal works here. Changing guns from legal to illegal in the USA would be a much bigger problem. In my country most people have never seen a real gun, other than one owned by a policeman.

    And we don't need one. Because most criminals don't even have one here. Only the "harder" criminals, but they usualy only shoot each other.

    And while guns are being manufactured, guns keep leaking to the Middle East, Afrika, terrorists, etc. Well I still believe that cutting down the guns budget won't do any harm but only good, on longterm, I don't expect that the present situation will change in a day offcourse.

    As long as we don't trust each other, shit will keep hapening. And guns are a big sign of distrust. But maybe I'm talking about some illusionairy utopia now, but if we don't believe in such a thing it will surely never be realized.


    And I'm not saying that guns are directly linked to crimerates, I'm talking about people being killed by weapons.


    And why is soft-drugs (hash,weed,etc.) illegal in the USA ? People should be able to do what they want ? You know why because there's no money there for big firms or the goverment, while producing guns is good for the economy (of some people at least). Hey, but money is the most important thing in the world!


    If you ban guns, not only criminals will have guns, but the police and military will as well. There would at least be a lot less guns available to do harm with. When a criminal points a gun at my head, than no gun i have (while i haven't picked it up yet) is going to make a difference, as long as I'm not Lucky Luke, the man who shoots faster than his shadow.

  3. free country, ... I live in the Netherlands, apart from guns that seems to be a freeer country than the USA. I do think that forbidding guns is a solution, to prevent people from killing each other. I know that you cannot make violence disappear, but guns kill people a lot faster than fists or a knive. And what do you need an automatic weapon for, when you're robbed by ten people you can kill'm all ? And why are there speed limits in free countries ?, following your logic everybody should be allowed to drive as fast as you want.

    And by the way, a revolver seems to be a type of pistol, but maybe you're wright and this is called a revolver in common language.

  4. Pistol,gun,revolver, all the same shit. Haleluja !, I wasn't the one talking about a ban on automatic weapons. The photo is supposed to disgust you, that's what weapons do, so it works quite well. Firearms and safety in one sentence, that's what disgusts me!

    And putting someone in jail after someone is killed, that's just too late.


    It seems like the ratings on this site are meaning less and less, I think this is an original photo while it is rated below average. I think the dark gives an extra boost to the strength of this guy. The thight cropping (maybe a bit too thight) makes it seem like he wants to break out of the frame. Good ! 5-6
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