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glenn mellen

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Image Comments posted by glenn mellen

  1. Most of the descriptive terms I would've used has already been mentioned... The warm lighting is really imparts a mood exceptionally. It looks more a painting than a photograph. Wonderful style... wonderful image!


    Wonderful colors, tones and composition... your post processing turned out most excellent... especially in the buildings, making them appear more a painting than a photograph. Great job!!!

    Sunset's Glow


    Hi Kathy, good to see you again and to have your comments! White Sands, NM is a fantastic location... a strip of nearly pure white sand dunes in a mostly red/tan environment... these dunes cover 475 square miles and provides varying degrees of barrenness or desert plants. And I found most appealing the sand picked up colors of the sky in the sunrise/sunset hours. A great destination to capture something different!


    On this image the horizon was centrally located intentionally... which I generally try not to do. But here the sky and the ground both contained features I didn't want to loose, and felt the transgression of The Compositional Rules was warranted. This photo, by the way, is nearly full frame (2-1/4" x 2-3/4" slide).


    Pulok - I really like the image... artful framing in the image done with the tree. I do find the framing used holding the image to be distractful to it (but I try to disregard digital frames used when rating).


    Excellent, abstractish photo of the sand dune details! Only negative... the background looks very "photoshopped" in my perspective... looks like tones left by heavy use of burning tool. But still, a very effective image. 6/6
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