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Image Comments posted by matthew_s._schwartz

    Bubble Dance


    First reaction: You have captured the joy of childhood. Beautiful, original. Amazing! 7/7.


    Second thought: Those bubbles are so sharp! (Looking closer)... Hmm, perhaps toooo sharp. (Closer still.) You know, I think there has been some artificial blurring here, and possibly artificial sharpening. Kind of sticks out a little. 6/7


    So there you have it: Anatomy of a rating. If I was wrong about the artificial blurring, let me know! (I'm a sucker for photorealism.)





    thank you for your kind words. Knicki, you may be right about the DOF -- it is probably just slightly too shallow up front -- but I think that is a good thing, because it may help give a clue as to the 3D nature of the subject matter... ;-) Many people have NO idea what this is, btw. Responses have ranged from "is that her elbow?" to "i think that's her tummy" to "uhhhh.... wtf??"


    I am glad you all have good taste. ;-)



    Ohhhhhh there it is!


    I was all set to agree with Tuhin about the distracting shadow cutting across the right side of the petals, but when I saw the reduced image on the "add a comment" page, I saw the rest of the shadow. :-) Is that the shadow of a fence? In any case, I love it now. 7/6!

  1. This is amazing... with the title gentle pointing me in the right direction, the image provokes thoughts of a soul ascending to Heaven, but being turned away. I love this. 6/7


    That is an amazing shot... I am sorry to see it has been overlooked by most. The bug was looking right at you! It's like he was posing! And is it my imagination, or does he have pupils?
  2. Great idea... so simple, yet I haven't seen this before. Executed very well. I agree with others that this would probably be better if the frame were entirely black... with maybe a small color border around each individual picture.


    Great job! 6/7



    Thoughts? Compression has added a lot of noise, although there was some to start with.

    Getting an f/1.8 so I can get higher quality in low light.

    Thanks for your comments!



    Wow, an 80mm f/1.9 lens really blurs the background! If they were in front of trees or something a strong bokeh might be nice, but I too find the bluriness of the house distracting.


    BTW, Mr. King, is the exposure date on this really in "1985"? I find it hard to believe you've been using the same body/lens for that long..... :-) (Equipment details for this photo and your recent photos are the same!)

    Area 51

    I like the stuff above the sand ridge. This is a great shot, and it really looks like you are buried UNDERNEATH the and and trying to push your way out. The title ("Area 51") really adds a lot for people who know about that sorta thing. :-) I love it!
  3. I am trying to liven up the standard flower image. By the way, there must be something up

    with photo.net's compression software because in the original compressed JPG everything

    is very smooth/sharp around the flower... so, if possible, please disregard that when

    commenting. Thanks!

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