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steve ward

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Image Comments posted by steve ward

    dune grass


    thanks for the comment Don, I did capute this one in a hurry. I may need some new toys, since htis was shot with a fixed aperature (F*8) lense. the only way to speed up the shutter is to use faster film. I guess its time to look for an autofocus 200mm macro with vibration reduction. Even that would not buy me the most important ingredient for great photos(time), but it would manke it easier. My 55mm macro is tough to use with insects(great for flowers though).

    Thanks again for the comments/suggestions

    dune grass

    after flipping through many other photos i suspect that i would need more time to sharpen up the focus. i would have to put the camera on a tripod, which would require patience to get the model to pose properly. maybe a 200mm macro lense would help too\

    dune grass


    I like the impact that this image has. the model was finicky though, and did'nt want to stick around for m eto bracket the focus. looks like i had about 1 inch DOF, since the left wings are sharp and the right ones are not. the body is somewhere in between. I certainly am going to keep trying though.

    maybe if i pay the model better it will stick around longer?? Maybe I just need to spend more time trying.


    thanks for the comments, they are inspiring


    dune grass


    thank you for the comment. there was a good degree of luck involved. it was a little windy, and the dragon fly was impatient. dof was so critical that the lft wings are sharper than the right. this was close to minimun focus distance, so i am pleased with the result. this onemay find a place on the wall at home.


  1. I know this one's been here a while, but the comments about missing her essence seem to be even better address in the photo called tt1. I mostly take pictures of family memebers, and it can take a hundred photos to get one "good" one. Iv'e never seen any one so good at this part of the art as yourself. oh, and I think this is one of your most photogenic models too
  2. thanks for the comment. this was done in the "heat of the monent" and there was no opportunity to pose or to consider the background. The team would have lost the emotional spark. unfortunately, this was the final game of the season, so they'll all be a year older before i get another chance. I appreciate your thoughts on the background, and will try to keep it in mind when i have another chance. so far i have only printed in 4x6, so i'll play with it before i try anything bigger. the exposure was handled by my old F3 on aperature priroity.
  3. this is the original frame, and i did crop it when i printed it, so i must have agrred with you. it deserves to be closer, hte girls had a great year, and this was before the standings were announced

    thanks for the comment, perhaps i'll post the cropped version next

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