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steve ward

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Image Comments posted by steve ward

  1. F5 and K-64

    Almost a relic, since there's only one lab left in the US that develops it(do you know differently?) I still have some(very dated)K25 in the freezer. I'm sure if I'll ever use it, but if I do, it will be in my F5. There are some things that it still does better than digital.



    DUH: the 3/3s come from persons with cranal rectal inversion issues. They constantly prove their complete misunderstanding of photography, as well as strongly imply that they could not come anywhere close to creating anything that even remotely resembles this image. Only by actually posting their own efforts would we see what 3/3 is all about.


    Pay no attention to ratings, they are meaningless. Comments are occasionally worthwhile.


    I've known that they existed for some time, but it's rare htat I see anyone wearing colored contacts. They certainly add a lot of color. Brown, blue, or hazel, etc would all work in this situation. There's tons of good stuff about this image.

    showing off


    Thanks for the observations. I do always suffer from grain buildup when I "save for web" in photoshop. The original is a bit better. It also gained grain when I cropped it, there is more room all around the gull.

    I know that it takes some luck to get a gull in flight and maintain focus. The D200 is not nearly fast enough to autofocus, so I usually go to manual. This was manual because I had an old manual focus lens in place. Please let me know if you are aware of ways to improve this?



    I can certainly see losing the baby carriage in the background, but I'm less sure about the rest. This is an "on location" shoot. There are many other possible angles and backgrounds. I'll try to experiment and see what it results in.


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