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Image Comments posted by simon_meeds


    Potentially powerful, but would need a story to go with it to explain the subject's emotion and particularly its connection with the background. Nevertheless an interesting treatment. 5/5

    Welcome Visitor

    Nice detail and the presence of the fly adds to the interest. If I'm being really picky, you've fallen a bit between a real close up of the patterned "mouth" of the pitcher and moving back a bit to get the whole pitcher. Also, it's a pity the fly isn't a slightly more interesting insect, but then that's presumably the sort of thing the pitcher is looking to capture. Sorry, I'm being really picky; it's great really. 5/5


    Nice lighting for texture and form. I can't claim expertise in this sort of thing, so it may not matter, but if she is standign up, the position of her head and arms looks as though she should be falling over. In fact her head looks somehow slightly out of scale. Nevertheless, fine work. 6/6

    Time machine

    A nice feeling to both foreground and background, but it's unfortunate that there is such an obvious dark band across the centre which keeps the two apart and makes this two pictures. Looking more closely I think it is a wall which is particularly fitting since it stops my eye travelling in a continuous movement from foreground to background. Another way in which this falls down is that the background appears to be out of focus. It is usual to expect this type of shot to use a small aperture and have ther lens set to hyperfocal distance so that it is sharp throughout. This further contributes to the sense of disjointedness. It's still a good attempt and has a degree of impact. 5/5


    A nice portrait of the bird, throwing the body out of focus. I think though that given that the subject is the bird's head, it is maybe too small in the frame; nevertheless striking. The highlight at the top actually draws me to the main subject. Unfortunately the highlights around the feet distract. 5/6


    After a while of staring at this one I think I can make out a dovecot in the snow (with a slight Japanese feel). I think therein lies the problem: it is maybe rather too subtle and complex at the same time. It's even quite difficult to work out the scale. Sorry, it doesn't quite work for me.


    The girl dancer is great and the band gives an idea of the environment in which this was taken. It's unfortunate that the male dancer is not only blurred, but partly obscured. I might be tempted to crop him off, and throwing the band even more out of focus would help to concentrate on the most interesting aspect of this shot.
  1. The guitarists are great (left better than right). I am not worried by the singer's totally blurred head, but the fact that it is on the edge of the frame, and that his lower legs have almost disappeared is more of a problem, as is his burnt out hand. I think you've used a flash with a slow shutter speed, which is a good technique to try, but it could have worked better for you.
  2. Really nice light on the foreground. On the one hand I am struck by the difference in light between the foreground and background (in a good way), but on the other, it makes two pictures: definitely crop at the top to focus on the incredible light - and I didn't even see the sheep until I did that!

    Sweet Sandy feet

    Technically good amd certainly original. I am not quite sure what it's saying. Maybe "I would like to take a photo of a child at the beach, but current PC thinking prevents me from doing so." 5/6

    Crowned Crane

    An interesting, unusual angle on this bird. I might be tempted to crop a little at the bottom and possibly on the left to increase the impact of the composition - the diagonal of the head and beak. 5/6


    The depth of field certainly concentrates attention very closely on the subject, however the in-focus subject we are left with is very small. The highlights in the background (top left) and the nearest out-of-focus bud are slightly distracting. 3/5
  3. What a relief. I was on a roll of a few critial reviews yesterday, and I am relieved that I hit the mark on at least this one. I certainly try to be honest (though hopefully tactful) and I am please to be taken the way I mean to be taken.
  4. I didn't say or mean to imply that you could necessarily do any better in the circumstances. My intention was to mean that the background is a bit of a muddle of weatherboarding, brick walls and windows. I do think the sign has an interesting quality to it, but in order to make a powerful image it needs a much starker background (which may not have been available). Sometimes there just isn't a powerful image there.


    When doing critiques one has to be careful not to suggest how it might be done better; if I tell you to stand back a bit you may well tell me you would be in a river. The trick is to comment on what is there, not what might be there in an ideal world... oooh, if only there was a cat walking along the line of the roof (No, I didn't mean that!). ;-)


    Wow, the best I've seen on here for some time. The light on the bird is just right and the out of focus highlights on the water give it context without overpowering its subtlety. 7/6.
  5. Not sure what you're trying to do. It could be intentional or it could be a dreadful failure. Since you've put it here I guess you would say the former, I tend to the latter. It seems to me too soft and to have a colour cast. Even if it is intentional I would crop out the intrusions at the bottom right. 2/4
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