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Image Comments posted by petejr

  1. You make a good point Jan. I think what happens sometimes is that we look at a small portion of an image and think it appealing but fail to take into consideration how it affects the rest of the image. For me the wood grain almost was as important as the snake. That's the problem with becoming to familiar with ones own work and why it's so helpful to have another's opinion. Thanks for sharing.



    IMO, Ravi, the composition lacks energy. You have no real area of focus except for the fence that splits the image and the building that lacks much detail. I've uploaded an adjustment where I tried to increase the contrast in the image somewhat to add some variety and texture.

  2. Unfortunately Todd, there are several things wrong with this shot. First, there is no indication in the photo that shows that he's getting his picture made. Second, the partially obscured guy on the right is distracting. I think your idea to shoot the picture being made is sound, but the presentation just doesn't show the concept. Lastly, if you had moved to the left and included all three people I think this would have been a stronger shot.
  3. First, welcome to PN, Marc. Let me say I like the concept of this image. Plus, you did a good job of exposure, capturing a good amount of detail in the shadows and hightlights. As I looked at this shot, I wondered what could be done to tweak it so it brought out the vaguely sinister implications suggested. I've uploaded a possible adjustment that darkens the sky to add a more somber note to the shot. Just a suggestion.



    Gary, I don't think you give yourself enough credit. I looked at your portfolio and a large percentage of the shots were superlative (I thought your nuts and bolts shots really good). As far as my little owl shot goes I agree the placement could be adjusted some.

    my favourite brandy

    Nicely done product shot. You have good delineation between the bottle and the background. My only complaint is the reflection on the stopper but that's a minor issue. The repetition in the glass is nice.
  4. Super image. I have two suggestions. A better integration of the "void" into the Photo and cloning out of the button on the forefigures sleeve. Otherwise a very evocative and original piece.


    I would question the use of the effect since it detracts from the main subjects in the photo. Was it your intention to draw attention away from the couple and to the flowers? Why?
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