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Image Comments posted by vasilis

  1. It is an excellent photo and the story behind it so strong that I cannot separate story and photo. This means probably that it is excellent photojournalism. The aim is to give the story and I believe that in this case the message is clear to the point that the title is almost unecessary. thanks for sharing. Thanks also for the selection of the pow, it is I think the most interesting selection I have seen for a long time now. Highlights behind the child maybe need to be a little toned down....

    Girl - 2

    Prefer the original version, with the people and of course the repetition of columns which makes this shot. Normally I think that I would go for a vertical shot here

    Judisches Museum

    I came here after your post on the street forum about the flying rhino shot. Funny, the flying rhino shot but the background spoils it. Eitherway, I found this one in your portfolio, which I like a lot. Nice perspective, very good composition and the human figure is very well placed. Bravo

    Walk to Heaven


    I like the photo a lot, composition is correct and exposure also. I think though that it would be a bit more interesting with the figure a bit closer and also in this kind of shot it is usually very nice if the texture of the sand is captured. Thanks a lot for sharing,


  2. We can get away with the D70....it is amazing but people most of the times do not notice it. Me too I have candid shots and many times I do a kind of chest shot that seems to work (hip shot, I' ve never tried). Although the D70 is not perfect for street, I love the camera, apperture mode as you said and jpeg fine. I believe that my main problem is the limited exposure lattitude compared with printed film (blown highlights). But to be honest digital is the only solution for me. Even if I had the money for a Leica and lenses etc. I would need also the money and the space to setup a darkroom and then the time to go out and shoot my photos and also the time to develop them. And we have also to work..... So forget it, film is nice but for me it costs a lot.

    I hope that you will get your portfolio and website soon.

  3. Thanks for the visit, i suppose you are right about the contrast. I overdid it, this is partly because I am getting bored when post-processing so I do not give a lot of attention when I should. The d70 is awful for candid shots isn't it. In the best case I feel like an exhibitionist....

    I was using at some point a small digital, perfect, because nobody noticed it. But... slooooooow, in this case I would press the shutter and the camera would wake up to take the shot when everybody would have finished the beers, packed up and went home.....

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