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Image Comments posted by vasilis

    Standing Dude

    The light is very good, and the exposure. I would prefer a little bit more from the surroundings. Although it is a nice picture somehow it feels staged. IMO, Street photography and staged do not go well together in this case. (5/5)

    By night

    Me too, I think that light and reflection are very good. But the image is a bit more confusing than I would like, maybe also due to the frame.


    Thanks a lot for your nice comments. Camilla, the manipulation was actually done with NeatImage which, normally, is for removing noise in pictures. Here deliberately a "wrong" profile was given in order to achieve a blur effect concentrated mainly on the leaves. I am sure that there going to be a lot of different ways to achieve the same effect in photoshop but I was just playing.


    I like a lot this portrait, expression is beautiful.... really top. Because you have very dark and very bright areas you should 1) turn her a bit more on the light or take more exposures or use a weak fill flash....


    The lens of the cybershot you have should be enough, go to the maximum tele setting. I go to the maximum some times when I photograph a friend that I have with a big nose. But either way, I like a lot your portfolio (I just took a look)


    very nice picture, it works and gives very good atmosphere. Maybe I would like to have all the person included on the frame, but it works this way as well. And now for details, I would use only black as frame (maybe i am wrong). The white line distracts a bit, and then you search if the lines are parralel etc.

    Subway stares

    very nice shot and very interesting. It kind of transmits the bizarre feeling that you have when being in the underground. I agree with all the comments. I have seen your portfolio and I think I like this one more, also with the one with the spider.



    I shoot some potographs with autumn colour this sunday. I have the

    original one in the folder and this is digitally manipulated. I like

    it and I would like to see your comments

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