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Image Comments posted by cghubbell

  1. Had an amazing time this afternoon photographing in Monroe County's

    Webster Park. While working on this scene a downy woodpecker

    fluttered up behind me and started working on some brush about 10 feet



    I spent more editing time than normal working to get the tones into a

    more black and white feel, with stronger contrast. I'm interested to

    know what you think, so please leave a comment or criticism if this

    image gives you a vibe.

    Fence Dog

    Wow! I love seeing this kind of work. Very creative use of space, and the subtlety of a dark dog in the shadows adds to the drama of this image. Of course, your model is very photogenic, as most animals seem to be. Thanks for sharing such great work!


    I like the dreamy look and the light on the glasses. This is a great candid capturing a real moment. Your depth of field works wonderfully as well. I think this is a great portrait.



    I've been working on animal portraits recently. This is my parent's

    cat Wilson, a gregarious grey male. Lighting was from a table lamp

    above and to the left. Camera was braced on the couch arm for a long

    exposure. Your thoughts and comments are appreciated.

  2. Captured this image at Letchworth State Park of a bridge on Park Road.

    I was going for a mild line drawing effect on post processing with

    increased contrast because it played well with the intricate masonry

    on the bridge. Your thoughts and critiques would be appreciated.

  3. This feels to me like a good stock / documentary image. To give a higher rating I would have liked to see a deeper study of this orchid's many interesting characteristics. The vein-like markings on the slipper section, the stripes on top leaf, the dots on the other leaf, perhaps the curves between the leaves.
  4. Created this image of a Titmouse on a magnolia tree following

    placement of a sunflower seed feeder. While it is a wild bird, I

    admit to resorting to using a feeder. Very few manipulations; basic

    tweaks on Bibble to convert from raw. Comments appreciated...

    Water slide

    I like the composition you've chosen in that it naturally guides the eye through the image. You've captured nice detail on the foreground rock which, to me, is the most commanding of my attention. The water is so similar in tone to the rock that it doesn't do much to grab me. If there were a way to create more contrast between the water and rock, I believe it would improve the overall aethetics for me. Don't change the angle though!
  5. Second of three in my Corbett's Glen series. This was taken early

    morning just entering the park. I'm particularly happy with the

    composition leading my eye around the image, and the slight detail

    retained in the tunnel's stone. I'm proud to say this is one of those

    times my mind's eye was in sync with the lens.

  6. This is the exit view from Corbett's Glen in Brighton NY. There was a

    fence which prevented getting the rest of the falls into the frame,

    but I like the symmetry of this shot even without the lower pool.

    Looking Outward

    I've tried this shot many ways now, and have indeed tried lowering the horizon to the bottom 1/3. This has the effect of minimizing the drama of the water, which to me is an important part of the composition. I'm now thinking that the only thing I'd wish to do differently would be to have a smoother water + longer exposure and a sky with some gradient or cloud effects. I'll keep watching for the right evening...
  7. I'm not sure what "my drawing for birds" means in this context, and it is a bit frustrating to hear that this is considered very poor work... Seems a bit harsh, although I greatly appreciate people taking the time to leave comments and respect your opinion.


    Just in case there's any question, I intended the birds to be scattered about the frame as I thought their relationship to the shape of waves was interesting. I specifically waited (just about froze solid on this cold morning) for a bird to cross the moon with a recognizable profile. Wanted it centered, but the birds weren't listening to me so I took what they would offer.


    Thank you again for your input!

  8. Still inspired from the lunar eclipse, I ventured out capture the

    moonset the next morning. I used a GIMP script-fu duotone filter to

    create the look after converting to greyscale. I'd welcome any

    comments on how this image strikes you...

  9. This was my first time putting together a montage. Next time I'll pay more attention to consistent exposure, and more consistent time intervals. I'd also like to try simulataneously exposing for the dark and light sides and layering the images for a different effect.

    blue mood

    I'd like to see this a bit lighter so the tree and surrounding rocks stand out more. I don't think the branches distract; They have a nice framing effect when balanced with the rocks. The purple is a bit unsettling to me, but it does create an interesting mood.
  10. Almost drove by this scene, but I backed up and took a second glance.

    The sunrise was beautifully highlighting the two strongly filled

    trees on each side, and making the bare branched tree in the center

    appear as though it were a series of icicles.


    Had some difficulty deciding what to do with this one for post

    processing. The highlights on the side trees lost detail if I curved

    for the center. I think I found a happy medium, but will be glad to

    hear other's opionions.

  11. Working through the images I cpatured at Disney a few weeks back I

    came across this one, and did some work on it. I'm not crazy about

    the straight trunk on Mom, but it's her real pose. It did create an

    interesting positioning which I think makes this shot stand out. I'd

    love to know what others think. For those who are curious, it was

    taken on the Kiliminjaro Safaris ride in Disney's Animal Kingdom

    (Africa area), handheld.

    Old Stone I


    I'm beginning a new project capturing images from local cemetaries.

    This one in particular has a fascinating "old section" with these

    weathered stones in various states of disarray. The b/w feel seems

    appropriate to me, and I plan to stick with it for the entire project.

    Does this image create interest in the project, or does it make you

    want to skip to the next image? As always thoughts and criticism are


  12. Going through some past work I found this image, and did some work to

    enhance it slightly - nothing fancy, just the usual curves and

    sharpening. This is a pier on the Lake Ontario shoreline at Webster

    Park; a beautiful area I'm drawn to quite frequently, and continue to

    find interesting scenes each time.


    I'm curious about reactions to the foreground (top) cloud and whether

    or not it serves as a distraction, or simply blends with the rest of

    the sky. As always, any comments and criticism are much appreciated.


    I'd love to see a bit more contrast between the lion and the background, just to improve emphasis. That being said, the image is beautiful and I am extremely jealous that I don't have anything this good in my portfolio! Very well done...
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