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Image Comments posted by cghubbell

  1. Sunrise on Irondequoit Bay. The water was so smooth it looked like

    dark chocolate being pierced by the Sun. Overexposed the upper right

    to maintain texture in the dark water. Thoughts and criticism are


    Driftwood I

    I agree... Sharpness is the biggest downfall of this particular image. I need to revisit this tree (after the snow melts) and try again with more aperture. Even with a touch of softness I couldn't help but enjoy the pattern. Thanks for your comment!

    Driftwood I


    This isn't truly driftwood, but the appearance of the subject reminded

    me strongly of driftwood, and the unique shapes / textures. I chose

    to channel mix this to b/w from the color original in order to focus

    on the lines and textures. Your thoughts and criticism are appreciated.

  2. Yes, I used to bowhunt before I went to school. By the time I finished my gear was too small for me and I started to pick up the camera more than the bow because it was easier to find places to target practice with glass. The still hunting technique from bowhunting has continued to serve me well though.
  3. I am indeed shooting through a window, but that doesn't alleviate the need for patience. these guys are very skittish and only a few branches on the magnolia tree offer decent compositions (as I'm learning!). To compound it, they only stay put for about 2 seconds, which is almost as much time as it takes my 70-300G to auto-focus. I stay warm, but it takes quite a bit of patience to get each one of these.


    Thanks to everyone for the comments!

  4. Would love some better equipment, but the wallet is dry at the moment, so I'm working to make the most of what I have. I agree with you on the composition of this one... It's just one of the few female cardinals I have right now.


    I appreciate your thoughts...

    Hanging On

    I'm not crazy about the border, but I like the overall feel of this image. It's well balanced and has a dreamy kind of feel to it. Very nice!

    Buzz Off!!!!

    Wow! Must have been amazing to experience this. The only eagles I see locally are at the zoo. I would like to see a bit more shutter speed to stop motion on the bird on the right, but don't take that as a complaint - I enjoyed this image very much!

    Ridge Trail

    This is Webster Park's Ridge Trail. I'm working on a collection of Webster Park images which this is part of. I'm thinking the saturation is a bit overdone, and I need to back of on sharpening a touch.
  5. Wow... There's a lot of detail and tonal range packed into this image. I find the balance very interesting, almost like an illusion. Under scrutiny it seems left-heavy, yet when I step back and take in the whole image, it balances perfectly. Great work, thank you for sharing it!


    The sky really makes this shot for me... Interesting foreground detail, but I tend to overlook its detail for the drama in the sky.

    Rusting Fence


    This is an old barbed wire fence located in a difficult to reach

    section of webster park, remarkably loated near an orienteering course

    marker. This particular section caught my eye for its broken strand

    curving gracefully around the front of the post and the interesting

    split in the log. As always, your critiques are appreciated.

  6. While hiking in Webster Park this afternoon I came across these plants

    breaking through the otherwise pristine snowscape. The nature of

    these plants reminded me of stubble, thus the title. Your thoughts

    and criticisms woudl be greatly appreciated.

  7. I like that you have chosen interesting subjects, yet I feel that they have not been explored. Both the central fungus, and the rock (is it a rock?) to the left are worthy of their own independent studies. I just don't see enought commonality to bring together these items fluidly.
  8. Jerry, this was more strightforward than it appears. This was literally the ice pattern in the trail. I just positioned myself so it would split the frame on a diagonal, adding a touch of drama. My only regret was that the sun had already set, and lighting was not as exciting as the shapes themselves. Thanks for commenting!
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