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Everything posted by mag_miksch

  1. a chimney finder is nice to have for maybe be needed some day, as mentioned above look for a WLF second generation, the improved design prevents the strong reflections of your face on the screen
  2. how close can you get just using the extension tube, or a longer one, I don´t see the advantage in using a TC in this setup.
  3. don´t use this with a prism, lot of heavy glass on top makes it unbalanced, with WLF it lays at your breast, very handy and comfortable, IMO the most charming MF camera. +1 for C330^^
  4. to follow your hero you need a truck and an 8x10 at least^^
  5. yeah, better clamped is just a C330^^ PS: I loved this "blob" from the RB
  6. mine non D don´t think there is a difference in optics, the formula change was from MF to AF,
  7. go for it, it´s a great lense, I´m very happy with mine^^
  8. my cardreader writes about 135 MB/s with the supplied cable and 150 MB/s with Nikon´s, maybe more to faster HD or SSD, just wanted to mention that there are differences in USB cables, regardless of naming 3.0 or 3.1 or whatever.^^
  9. IMO split image screen will not work with this f11
  10. But don´t underestimate it, it´s fast, I tried it with my cardreader and it transfers about 15MB/s more than the cable supplied with the reader.^^
  11. Hi, Don´t know much about Fujinon W lenses, just that outside lettering means they are multi coated. I´m looking for W 125 or 135 or 150 or 180, all f=5.6. Is the image quality of one of these better or worse or are they on similar level. Thanks Martin
  12. mag_miksch

    D850 vs Z7

    year after year I prayed to God^^
  13. mag_miksch

    D850 vs Z7

    Didn´t want to get into this discussion, but now I´m in the mood. Like verywhere else: cui bono? Who benefits from mirrorless? First and mostly the producers, they replace the mirror&AF- construct, which is complicated and has to be mounted to the highest tolerances, with some cm cable and a tiny LCD paneel. They save a lot of costs without selling the cams cheaper. For me I don´t see benefits, this 100% view on my display I only use for macros on tripod and I´m able to set exposure by myself, spot to smallest and looking around the scene as I did allways..
  14. mag_miksch

    D850 vs Z7

    we are old and shaky, anyone else uses a 180mm lense to shoot macros handheld and setting focus using the 100% magnification in the EVF.^^
  15. Again a little off, some days ago out of curiosity I got an affordable Horseman LD, bought a Super Angulon 90/8 and attached my D810. Weather got cold here so I didn´t go outside for testing, just did some shots inside, and it doesn´t seem unsharp^^
  16. little off topic, but try this with the Nikkor 28/2.0^^
  17. mag_miksch

    D850 vs Z7

    and you don´t get this with a D810?
  18. seems to be a good idea, speed boosters reduce focal lenght, increase aperture and reduce image circle, eg. FF to APS-c, so you have to look for a lense covering 6x9, f=4
  19. mag_miksch

    D850 vs Z7

    maybe you don´t understand, maybe you lack some basics^^
  20. mag_miksch

    D850 vs Z7

    From LF we learn that a lense is focussed to infinity when the focal lenght is equal to the distance from film plane to lense, that´s why LF cameras have bellows and rails to move the front including lense to proper distances for diffence lenses. Cameras without bellows have a fixed distance from film plane to lense, the flange distance. With this fixed flange we cannot adjust the camera to the lense, we have to adjust the lense to the camera and this brings much more complicated lense designs, the retrofocus fakes a shorter flange and the tele a longer by adding additional elements which are not needed when flange distance is equal to focal lenght. So with a 16mm flange a 16mm lense will bring perfect pictures without the effort to fake a flange, Z mount will be superior to F in short or very short lenses, but this advantage isn´t given with longer lenses, look e.g. at Leica, as rangefinders they have small flange and are famous for wide angel lenses, but they didn´t even try to make teles, longest is 90 mm and maybe an experimentical 135mm or similar.
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