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Image Comments posted by edswinden


    Great expression, looks like a wise old man that's been at the brandies. Shame the top of the head is burned-out. Also I'd crop it so the bunny is square in the middle.
  1. This is one where a first look impressed me, but (at least at this small size) the photo didn't go on to evoke strong emotions. It is a nice composition and my only gripe is the slight leaning of the house, which I guess is due to a wide angle lens being used. Regarding someone's earlier comment about the sky, I think it could be either a long exposure or Photoshop... the problem nowadays is that since image manipulation can make rarities/difficult exposures commonplace/easy, the rarities themselves have been robbed of their intrinsic value, so even if a photo's weird sky is real, it's not something uncommon to see 'in a picture'. I photographed one of those rare shafts of light through cloud over a building yesterday, and thought it looked cool both in reality and on the camera LCD. But when I looked at it later on the computer I was underwhelmed. It looked like a simple PS creation, and I could probably have got a better and ironically more realistic result by creating the whole thing in my PC. Perhaps nowadays it is vital to find compositions that simply couldn't be put together in an image manipulation program? Manipulated or not, this photo would have wowed me more in the days before PS made similar images fairly commonplace. Congrats on POW... well done for spotting and making the most of the opportunity, setting, and light.


    Great mirroring of the hair with the fur hood. Nice colours too. To be honest though, I might crop this above the lower hand...I know this might be part of the 'point' of the image, but I think the top half alone would work better. Best wishes.

    Light my fire

    For me it matters considerably whether a shot featuring a person is set-up or not. I read Jochen's post before I wrote mine, and judged it as a commercial 'lifestyle' shot rather than a candid 'street' shot as a result. For me, there is real life and there is the life that we are sold in movies, pop videos and coffee commercials. If a shot is a candid then I feel sometimes one may glean a tiny insight into the subject's real character, their state of mind, or their attitude to their environment at the time the shutter clicked... if it is 'set-up' I feel the sitter is likely to be 'playing' to the camera, in however tiny a way. The person is acting in their own movie, with or without the direction of the photographer. So the mask is on, as it were...and as a result the whole fabric of the scene around that person is changed from a real place into a set. The image loses the magic of 'reality' and to balance this out it needs some other 'spark' to raise it up to a higher level. Certainly the composition must be perfect. If the person has grown used to the camera being around and becomes 'unaware' again, as in family pictures or many iconic photos of famous people taken by a photographer who joined the entourage for a time, then the 'set-up' is no longer a set-up and the photo becomes a candid again...but I don't think that is the case here (I may be wrong). Also, there are some occasions where the set-up is so good you might never tell, and playing with that idea can be an art in itself. But I think I could tell this one was a set-up immediately, as there is a certain self-consciousness to the image, in my opinion. I still think this is a good image however, don't get me wrong. But I must judge it as a commercial image rather than a candid and that is why I think little things like the coffee drip are 'inappropriate'. Phew, sorry that was rather a long lecture, wasn't it!?! Best wishes.
  2. Nice picture. Good lighting and tones, but it's the angle of the near figure's right leg that makes it 'above the average' for me... the little things are so important! A pity (I think) about the legs overlapping from the figure behind... but I'm nit-picking. Good shot. Best wishes.

    Light my fire

    ...when I say untidy, I mean little things like the coffee drip on the cup that I find distracting and not in tune with the 'feel' of the image. And (to a much lesser extent) the strong dark shadow of another person behind the woman's head. Still a lovely-looking shot though.

    Light my fire

    Nice 'lifestyle' shot. Perhaps just a little untidy, but I could imagine seeing this in a trendy 'city break' travel brochure. I like the muted tones and window light. Best wishes.


    The picture is excellent but the text really lets it down... it just looks 'thrown on'. Same with the 'scratching' in the bottom left corner. Sorry, just my opinion, but I think the size is wrong and there looks to be some nasty aliasing (that could be my monitor). Great red/green balance, lighting and pose though. With a bit of extra work this could be a fantastic shot. Best wishes.


    Lovely colours and nice light pools on the path, but I'd like there to be a single point of interest to focus on...maybe a figure, animal, or shadowin the distance... it's a bit 'background-y' without...though I'm sure others will disagree.
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