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Image Comments posted by edswinden

    Lunch Break

    Hi Richard, you asked if I'd stop by and check this out...I like it. It does remind me a bit of the sort of thing I do, like Kent says... maybe we will have to form the 'Manchester School' of photography ;-) and take the art world by storm. Anyway, while there are similarities, you have your own distinct take on how life looks/feels, as we all do. I look forward to seeing more. Best wishes.

    in a room

    Very nice composition and tones, but the burnt out highlights are distracting...if you have the negative with more highlight detail in I'd reprint from it...


    I'm a great one for pure abstract....I'd just keep the middle third...it may be less original that way, but I think it would be more powerful...the bushes spoil the poles, and the blur spoils the bottom rocks...so I'd just keep the very strong and perfectly exposed middle section! Best wishes.


    I love this type of image, but it is a really tricky thing to perfect. I think this is a good effort, but in my opinion the silhouette could be sharper/harder, a more striking shape (I think it needs a posture that communicates more 'drama') and most importantly I think it should be right in the centre of the cone of light to succeed 100 percent as a 'knock-em-dead' composition. I do like the recurring triangles, but a little bit of cropping at the left might be good. It's all just about personal taste, but I've spent a long time trying to perfect images like this myself, so I hope my comments are constructive. I've looked at your portfolio and there are some fab images there. Congrats on those and on your P.O.W! Best wishes.


    Nice shot - and not 'just' a snapshot...because snapshots are one of the most important kinds of photographs...some of the best and most meaningful portraits, landscapes, and news pictures are snapshots. This picture is well composed, strikingly graphical (I love the stripes of the plastic contrasting with the spots of the giraffe, and the blue complementing the red), and yet 'human'. As well as being stylistically good it anthropomorphosis the giraffe. It looks a bit pee-ed off, as you might too if you were stuck behind a plastic sheet, hiding from the rain(?)! The image also could (whether or not the photographer intended) work on a symbolic level. Many 'nature' photographers would've tried to hide the fact that the giraffe wasn't in it's natural habitat and zoomed in close to get a nice abstract on the face...but that has been done a thousand times. This was well 'seen', and expresses something a bit more interesting. Finally, I thoroughly agree that sharpness (as opposed to 'being in focus') is too often fawned over. So what if a photo isn't taken with a $1000 lens... we can still see what it is we are looking at. Maybe we can't enlarge it up to A0 and then view it from a centimetre away, but then how big is the Mona Lisa (to make a hackneyed comparison). A good picture seen small is better than an okay picture shown huge, so we gawp at the size (a great art gallery 'trick'). I'm not saying this is the best picture ever, but it is certainly on a par with (or better than) many POWs I've seen on Photo.net. It is refreshingly different from most of the nature shots posted here, and less contrived than many of the human portraits. Well done...and best wishes.


    Lovely texture on the ice, but the composition doesn't seem quite 'balanced' to me...the ice is a bit lost at the side of the frame...maybe if the top tenth were cropped out to make it more of a regular abstract? Great lighting though, and blur on the water. Best wishes.
  1. Lovely tones and colours. I would prefer it if there were a figure more in the foreground, perhaps parallel with the top of the first 'A'...just to balance it. But nice pic. anyway. Best wishes.

    Holiday Parade

    Nice effect. I wonder if it would look better with the bottom cropped out a the brightness of the top half makes the bottom half look a bit dull...but maybe the contrat is good...


    Nice, bold image. The factory (?) is stark and thrusts out of the natural landscape in a stylish way. My only gripe is that I find the framing branch on the top left a bit distracting, and would prefer the image without it. Best wishes.

    First snow of 2005!

    Lovely shot...shame the cat isn't sharp, but I guess the depth of field required would've meant a prohibitively long exposure! I don't mean to gripe, though, it really is a nice image. Best wishes.
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