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Image Comments posted by edswinden

    ...walking along...

    Very nice. The solitary figure is in just the right place and the body is in just the right phase of movement to convey the 'story' and appear elegant as well. There is just enough contrast, and the perspective is right. I'd like to imagine this was a glimpse of 'real life' and wasn't posed (I know this is a contentious issue!), but either way it's excellent. Congrats. and best wishes.


    Fab. Lovely colours, geometry, scale, sense of isolation and confinement, yet freedom of the sea. Plus, what I imagine was your key point, the hidden detritus behind the front. Really good...wish it was one of mine!

    Laura's Feet

    My favourite, so far...and I'm not a foot fetishist! Might be better with the left side cropped to remove lamp...be more abstract that way. Best wishes.


    Nice shot. I think I might prefer in in BW as the green at the bottom clashes (in my head) with the grey....it would have more impact monotone...personal view, of course.


    I prefer by far the original un-Photoshopped version. While I still find the theme a little cliche, it is far more elegant and artistic in my view. The textures added clutter that wasn't needed. I think it underlines the point I was making earlier about digital manipulation needing to be fresh and forward looking to be worthwhile. The manipulation effects most often try to make a picture look antique...because everyone thinks old means classic...so we get Mock-Victoriana, which is never as good as true Victoriana, or certainly not as good as true Modern. I'd like to see images of poignancy and solitude made today that LOOK like they were made today... I know I'm biased because that's what I try to do...but though I think this is a good photo (especially without the PS) I'd like to see more MODERN works as POW... (particularly with regard to digital alteration) cutting edge avant-gard stuff, even if not aesthetically as good as this...so we can learn from it and take things forward. Seeing the world afresh, which I do not here. Just personal opinion. Best wishes.


    Pretty, and the composition is elegant, but I see the special effects, not a coherent whole... a few years ago I'd be very impressed, but these days I just feel it's an oft-executed idea, pretty well done, though maybe a little too texture-heavy. I believe that photography nowadays has to embrace digital manipulation...but the digital manipulation has to be fresh and innovative - or almost invisible - to make me go "Ooh!" This seems to be trying a little too hard to look 'classic'...like a mock-Tudor extension to a house, if you get what I mean. But don't get me wrong, this is still a pic to be proud of. I'm just expressing my gut feeling. Best wishes.


    I like the rich, dark, Victorian treatment you've given this picture. Nice one. I wish the foreground was a little sharper, is all.


    If you have a hi-res version of this which is as sharp then I think this could look really nice if printed well with a good frame. It strikes me as the sort of pic that doesn't work as well on a screen as in a print. I imagine many people will say the background is cluttered and distracting...which it is on a screen...but in a print I think it would actually add a lot. Just personal opinion! Best wishes.
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