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Image Comments posted by spohn

  1. From a person willing to give a rating of 1 without leaving a comment, I'm amazed that you would solicit comments from others. Having said that, I like the use of color in this photo, but I'm curious what it might be like with more depth of field in combination with rotating the view so the bottoms of the scaffolding weren't visible..
  2. I'd introduce some contrast - my own bias would be to work on really bringing out the texture of the cobblestone. In some ways I think this is a nice scene waiting for something to happen, which is the case with the majority of my photos, I think. Maybe if the people in the street were a little closer to the foreground, that would help. I really like the basic lines of the photo and the bleed effect of the sun.

    Cloudy Day

    Beautiful photo - I like very much the overcast effect, the composition and the affect of the model. And the gritty urban background... well, I guess I like everything about this shot. Nice job.

    Catchin' Up

    Really nice - I like the "swagger" in the balloons - on the day I took my balloon photos, all of them were dead perpendicular to the ground - I think the bouncing around adds interest. Thanks for your comment on my shot!


    I'd try to burn around the board a little to establish mor contrast between it and the sidewalk. Maybe darkening the road a little to bring out some texture would be good too. But I wouldn't change the composition as a whole - I like it as is.
  3. For me, a tad of contrast would help. I think if you could make those reds jump a little they would contrast nicely against the silhouetted parts. Might try a time of day with longer shadows, too.

    Balloons 1


    Heavy handed dodging on the balloon - just playing around, but then I

    decided I liked the effect. Interesting how the "grain" decomposes

    when you really hammer the dodging - again, hokey, but I ended up

    liking the comic book effect. Against my better judgement, I'll open

    it up for comments :-) Thanks for stopping.

    Trees and Clouds

    This is a really nice effect. I like how the darker part of the sky creates an impression of the various planes that make up the photo intermixing. The delicacy of the trees against the torrential clouds is nice, too. Nice job.


    I agree - you do have a weighty responsibility as a photographer - to please yourself, and whomever else might see things the same way. As for everyone else... well, that's what eyelids are for. Great image, if for no other reason than that it generates questions.

    Dirt Lady

    Yeah, she's lost to the art world forever once we get grass in our yard (really.) I think I'll store this one with the black velvet paintings :-). Thanks for commenting!

    Dirt Lady


    Call me nuts (or worse,) but I saw a lady's torso in this.

    Genuinely curious as to whether this constitutes an interesting

    image for anyone else. No doubt it won't amount to much more than

    dried mud to lots of folks - but if you can't stand the answer,

    don't ask the question, I guess :-). Thanks for your comments.

    Poplar River


    3 second exposure at sundown. This part of the river is only a few

    hundred meters from where the river empties into Lake Superior.

    Suprisingly, the fog was as dense as it appears from around the bend

    in the photo - almost like it was being pumped by a Hollywood fog


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