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Image Comments posted by dilip_kumar_singha



    Well done experiment on moonlit nightscape. Long exposure (108 sec) has given excellent brightness with fine grains contributed by ISO 100. Wide angle (18mm) has given misterious view at the depth and the DOF in spite of wide open aperture (5.6). Excellent photograph, congratulations.



    Beautiful close-up with sharp & colorful combination and nicely diffused backgrond. By changing the angle of view, was it possible either to eliminate  or to include within DOF the half focussed objects?

    Orb Spider


    Macro lens & Tele-photo lens both are basically used for magnification and are characterised by low DOF photographs, where Macro is used for very high magnification which is generally not possible by Tele-photo. And to capture a sharp picture of a moving object basically we have to increase the shutter speed. What remains in our hand are the external light, lens opening (aperture), ISO setting & skill of the photographer. You have tried really very well and what I have failed to mention is the light which is excellent. Regards,

    Young Mantis


    Excellent photoghaph in originality, subject and sharpness. Flat light from the front (may be flash light) is the problem. Studio oblique light from some angle would have been fantastic.



    Great mood is captured in this portrait. Flat light may be the problem. Some oblique light from any side (not front) and combination of light and shadow over the face would have been excellent.

    Orb Spider


    Probably you have used telephoto lens to focus from a distance, very shallow DOF is an indication for that. Some part of this photogrph is a little hazy. That may be due to very shallow DOF or may be due to slow shutter speed or both. Quality could have been increased by appoaching nearer so that DOF increases a bit to overall focus the object and also the light increases so that shutter speed could have been increased to take care of movement of the object. But DOF should not increase that much since a diffused background is essential.

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