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Image Comments posted by johannes_eriksson

    Exploding tomato

    I built all the triggers and timers and even the flash for this shot. Ready made triggers are available but really easy to build if you know some electronics. Conventional flash units can be used, but to truly get a bullet in focus durations in the microsecond range are needed. The light source used here is a high-voltage spark gap discharge. I will put up the technical details on a webpage here, see the "How-To" link. It is not yet complete, but hopefully will be in a few weeks.

    Exploding tomato


    Object is a cherry tomato. shot with a .177 air gun pellet. The light

    source is triggered spark gap connected to capacitor bank charged to

    about 25 kV. An optical gate (laser + phototransistor) connected to a

    simple 555 timer circuit controls the exposure delay. Both the light

    source and trigger circuit are home built from inexpensive parts.


    I appreciate your comments very much.

  1. Object is a cherry tomato. shot with a .177 air gun pellet. The light

    source is triggered spark gap connected to capacitor bank charged to

    about 25 kV. An optical gate (laser + phototransistor) connected to a

    simple 555 timer circuit controls the exposure delay. Both the light

    source and trigger circuit are home built from inexpensive parts.


    I appreciate your comments very much.

    Ghastly face


    This is a multi-second exposure of a climbing electric arc (Jacob's

    ladder), powered by a pair of old microwave oven transformer. The

    image has not been manipulated - the face made me jump a little when

    first viewing the files on my computer.

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