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Image Comments posted by sarahkane

  1. Incredible isn't it? How people can make assumptions and fly to the moon with them... She does look young, but then so do I;)

    Soon I'll be taking some very provocative shots of myself and a friend, and upon posting them on Photo.net, I better not get any flack;)


    Anyways, she's absolutely beautiful, as is another of your models http://www.photo.net/photodb/photo?photo_id=3185767


    Thanks always for sharing and commenting,





    Gorgeous tone.. and I actually think the left-hand reflection works wonderfully with the image.

    The rich dark blue really makes this one Pang,


    best wishes,




    I really like the metallic feel in this photo, but I almost wish that the background had less noise, as it takes away from the bike.

    Otherwise, great photo!



    Preying on Death


    I am truly a sucker for dark birds on a cloudy day, so I love this one...

    Would love to see one without any trees, and also another one with more trees as a horizon...


    best wishes,


    One moment please


    Greatly executed, beautiful idea...

    Is the finger nail on the hand supposed to be chipped?

    Funny, I'm positive I'm reading too much into this, but it seems, because it's looks as though it's a woman's hand, and the nail is chipped, that we WOULD help our planet but we don't want to break a nail...

    It was amusing for me, even though I'm sure that's not what you were trying to convey!


    Wonderful photo and execution!




    I'm very surprised this photo is getting such low ratings... I think it's a beautiful moment capture... I love the sepia tone throughout, and that both mother and child are looking at the same thing...


    wonderful work Dae;)



    Josefine W. B&W


    This is definately one of my favourites in your portfolio...

    The expression is wonderful on the model; but the element that strikes me most about this photo, is the way the hair brings you from her arm to her eyes and then out of the frame again. Simply stunning work...


    I will look back from time to time, as this portfolio has really stuck out for me:)


    best wishes,




    I really love this photo... if only the child's white top wasn't so blown out, this one would be a 7/7 for me...

    Great work Tasson!





    Javier, I think this photo is very interesting and intriguing...

    I would love more highlights in the woman's hair to add a continious flow throughout the photo, but otherwise a great photo!

    congrats and best wishes!


  2. I think this one is my favourite of your models... she has something that you don't see very often, hard to pin point, but it's a mysterious quality that makes the photos of her shine through...


    Beautiful photo, love the monotone!





    I agree, original most definately. The lighting here is superb, I almost wonder if I would prefer the image without the dark black on the right... but I wouldn't crop it, as I like the extra space on the right...


    Truly beautiful though Andrada, so very delicate...







    I think you're making great progress, and it really helps to have models that let you practice on them time and time again, I know this as I have 2 younger sisters:)

    I would love to see this one with a little more detail (I know sometimes uploading them onto Photo.net takes some away...) and also an extra light in front of her to highlight the face and eyes...


    Best wishes,


    Paku Hill


    Beautiful Jo, I love the frame within the frame that you've captured here. I've seen a lot of these, and it's important to capture a bit of texture in the foreground foliage, which you've done beautifully...

    Stunning image





    Great tones, expression and focus

    Reminds me of the whole 'he loves me, he loves me not' thing all of us women used to recite as young girls;)


    best wishes,


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