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Image Comments posted by sarahkane

    Still life 04


    This is great Valery... like I'm sitting in my grandfather's study while he's away,

    I love the idea, and would love to see it in black and white, as well as a halfway saturation.

    Best Wishes on your photos!


  1. This one really brought a smile to my face Alberto!

    Yes it is a hard life;) I love the angle, and the fact that a photo can make me feel a little scared of heights, means you did something right in this one;)


    Take care!




    I think there could be a little more contrast in this photo, and it would really help to bring out those details in the boat and in the foreground water/mud.

    I love the dilapidated look of this boat though, it really adds something wonderful to the photograph...


    Best Wishes,


    The End


    I'm not sure I would change a thing about it Tomas!

    What I like the most in the photo, and what I think work well, are the long crop, creating a sea of detail with lines and texture; also the dark contrast. With the sea of grey, the blacks on the horizon give the whole photograph a much needed balance...



    Laser Spit


    I would agree with Steve! I really enjoy this one, the way the water droplets came out on film is spectacular, and the rich greens work wonderfully in the background. Great photo Zoltan!




    I would agree with this one Amer, wouldn't have the same impact in black and white. His eyes are quite holding, they have element to this that makes it hard for the viwer to look away. I love the profile on the left as well... candid and wonderful!



    Let it Shine


    Wow, The light mist, and different levels in the background are beautiful, as well as the tiny highlights in each of the waves...

    Truly beautiful Hanna, well done~





    I would agree, I would love to see this flower from up above in both color and black and white... the purple detail on the petals' edges is wonderful.





    I think it's a beautiful idea, however some detail is lost in the flower, and the girl's nose due to the white-ish glow...

    Her eyes are very stunning though:)



  2. You got a pretty good one here Kevin... Would love to see one without all the added action in the back/foreground, ie the boat with people, the dock and the tree.

    Also if there was a little more contrast with the bird...


    Best wishes,


  3. Wow, incredible John... I suppose I'm not that surprised, some people like to take an idea and run with it as though their mission is to rid this evil world of all its injustice; amazing that anyone who visits your gallery can't tell just be looking that you're an experienced and reputable photographer (as you have so many gorgeous women who have obviously put their trust in your work)

    That being said, Life truly is wonderful, and so are you photos!! as always;)





    Such a pleasant image to look at...

    I love the mis-matched clothing and accessories the girl has adorned on her, a true traveller indeed. Wonderful photo Matusciac!


    Best Wishes in the all the photos to come!




    Beautiful capture of two very captivating children. Their expressions are priceless; the sister always loving and able to show affection, the brother is aloof and more reserved, but both love eachother just the same;)

    Thank you for sharing Lee, this one is a true beauty!


    Best Wishes,




    This is absolutely stunning, I'm surprised you got any ratings lower than 6's... I love the lighting, the mood, and the environment. Everything works in harmony together here.

    Best wishes!


    Sunset Walk


    This is lovely indeed Oliver, what a wonderful capture.

    There are few things in this world that are as magnificent as a child's inquistiveness... she's beautiful!




    For me, I almost like that the Iris and pupil aren't in focus... the hairs around are so crisp, it's a very dark and ominous portrayal of an animal...




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