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Image Comments posted by sarahkane

  1. Flor, this entire folder is magnificent; I'm mystified by its beauty...

    I would have to say this one is my favourite for the detail and subtle coloring. An entire story told through a single moment, truly brilliant, and thanks for sharing.






    Sam, I cannot believe the terrible ratings this photo has received, it's a true gem among portraits... her expression is timeless!




  2. I think this is my fav, the grey in the dog's coat creates an old persona, you could almost tell an entire story from this photo. I'd love to see him in a natural environment, earthy backdrop;) Like the father time of dogs...




    urban fashion


    lucky indeed,

    great expression captured here, she seems posed to an extent but there is an element you've captured that does not happen often. Great photo Danciu!



    N.C. Tracks


    I am a sucker for great train track shots, and this one is no exception... the blurring effect really works here, like a moment frozen in time. I can't help the feeling the train has already come and gone...






    Just thought I'd check in with you John;)

    I've been away a bit, but it appears you're hard at work as always!

    Love the lines in this one, the counter top couldn't be anymore perfect as a pedestal for this beauty... I will look through more of your photos soon;)


    Best Wishes from your friend,



    The Balloon Boy


    I disagree... Anthony, I love the idea... took me a minute to find him;)

    You some great new additions!

    I hope everything is well with you, I'll send you an update via e-mail when I get a smidgeon of time;)


    Take Care,





    I believe it's caused by chewing betelnut, and the teeth are a sign of beauty in their culture:)

    Great photo, I really love the colors and the framing of the woman's face Gaston!





    So nice to see that you are capturing and collaborating with an artist John, and a beautiful one at that. She has a deeply confident stare in this one, which seems to really accentuate her grace.

    I haven't been on in a little while, so I'm catching up on some of your wonderful creations. Beautiful and unique as always John...





    I really enjoy this photo, although it's interesting to see it in black and white, I prefer it without all the exaggerated sharpness; it's beautiful like it is here...

    Great photo!





    Ben, this is stunning... I would love to see a whole series of these warms tones with long exposures; I wish I was sitting on the edge watching that sun fade... beautiful!





    Wow, Raid, where are all the comments for this one?

    Such a wonderful capture you have here!

    Sisters on a summer afternoon; the difference between the older and younger of the girls --> the older is calm, with the long hair (almost representing her age) and the younger is the inquisitive (short wilder young hair).

    These girls are beautiful, my favourite of the day!



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