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Image Comments posted by gregc



    nice, especially the steam, but I think the newspaper box area is a little distracting with all the text there. maybe even just getting rid of the text in photoshop would help.


    nice photo, though

  1. thanks for commenting on my photo, vallery. It's amazing, I was actually looking at your portfolio as you commented on my photo


    i really love this shot. it really seems to suggest a story. it's a fantastic subject, and captured really well. nice work



    i like it, excellent background for the image.


    perhaps you should see if it would look better with slightly less contrast. it looks good to me, but it's hard to look at for very long on my monitor without hurting my eyes.

    Brooklyn Bridge


    wonderful exposure, but it seems like a lot of interest is going on off the side of the frame to the right. it might be better if you had either panned all the way to the left to remove that interest altogether, or had included more of the interest to the right, creating a contrast between still, calmness on the left to the busy motion on the right. I just find the tease of what's going on over there very distracting.


    But again, the exposure is awesome, and i really like it.

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