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Posts posted by __stu_evans

  1. Wrecking it is the gamble on a practical lesson in lens repair - you have to judge the value. The work is pretty straightforward though a guide would help.


    It's not likely the oily blades are binding because that iris isn't a flat plane. It's spherical, working sort of like an eyelid. The usual culprit is grit under the ring where both surfaces are brass. To add to the misery is the very thin ring that yields to the pressure applied to turn it causing even more drag.


    Just one caution; don't explore by idly removing the two screws in the aperture ring since it will be unlikely they can be reinstalled without complete disassembly. The screws engage a basket which moves the blades.

  2. Generally the release button doesn't release the shutter but starts a series of steps that must each complete to continue the sequence. Look at the diaphram connections for resistance - the linkages must move freely.
  3. <lack of support for his political beliefs > and <because no one agrees with you> are pretty benign ways of describing the malicious moaning that incessantly pounded a few points while failing to recognize the impact of driving away others who may have contributed. His most notable point was the divisive mood of this election and it's capacity to destroy friendships.
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