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Image Comments posted by leeblackman


    Gute Belichtung, groߥr T䴩gkeitsschu߮ Es kann von einem anderen Winkel besser gewesen sein, der die Gesichter zeigte.


    Dieses ist ein gutes Foto, gleichwohl das Eidechseendst�ck aus Rahmen heraus geschnitten wird und es harte Schatten gibt, die unpleasing. Ich w�rde mich Ihr, Thema zu schattieren empfehlen oder an einem bew�lkten Tag zu schieߥn, als das Licht diffundiert ist.

    Passed out

    Yes it is a real shocker, thats for sure, but thats why I love it so much, its almost default. Its like If I were to send it to the girls parents and go "Hey, this is what your daughter looks like every other day, but most of the time its at some random guys house, but its ok because she's still making good grades pursuing your life long dream for her." I wonder what they would think.

    no idea

    What is it? Abstract, but the texture is out of focus? I almost see a sewing seam, I would almost say it looks like inside out bluejeans with a carpet background?

    Passed out


    I developed this myself, and when I scanned it I opted not to edit

    it, so there is still dust marks on it. Its not really about the

    image quality but what it represents, everything about this image is

    raw. It is not a setup shot, or a model, its real life. This is a

    girl I know, who drank so much that she passed out during a hard

    night of clubing and barhopping.


    I like the contrast adn desaturation, I would probably crop some off the right to get better balance in the composition though.
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