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Image Comments posted by leeblackman

    My dog, Sasquatch.

    :) That is a cute shot of a big ol pooch hound :) It shows alot of personality in the dog with that facial expression. Makes me just wanna scrath'em on the head.

    Top Down Body

    Excellent work, this is the kind of stuff that inspires me. I like how the foregound is symetrical and the background isn't but is still balanced. Its a unique angle to see the beauty of the female shape.

    Not so close. . .

    It just looks like a blurred picture to me. I've got a ton of these in my collection. I tell you what though, I'll give you a 1/1. You need to learn to not take offense when people rate your stuff how they feel. If you don't want it rated DONT POST IT. Your other stuff is great, keep shooting.
  1. haha, I love this photo. The sky is just beautiful and even the far background is just excellent, and then here in the forground is this silouhette of a dog, don't think anything of it, my eye just drifts back to the sky the out of the bottom I catch a little light spot, a line of light, ROFL, I couldn't believe it. This picture made my day. Thank you :)
  2. Kinda dull, the backround is in focus and is dark grey concreat, and the relflection of you taking the photo also distracts from the subject, and the emblem isn't right side up.


    Its kindof a pet peave but the models right hand isn't connected to anything, I would have maybe had it hidden behind her body in that pose
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