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Posts posted by elijah_free

  1. I also have only had the best of experiences with Luigi and his very fine work. He is not only an artist, he is also a gentleman. Gary, it adds only a handful of seconds imho to take off a case to load film and to put it back on again. It protects your M6, I have one, and it feels really nice to use. I like the feel of the grip. regards, elijah
  2. Hi Kenneth, have one, but cannot help you. Here is the contact for Epson repair for R D1s in US

    Epson America, Inc.

    Service Center

    2350 E. Stafford Road


    IN 46168


    Tel: 317 839 4694

    Let us know how things work out. The best of luck to you, regards, elijah

  3. Having shot only film for many years, I now have a used R D1 and most recently a

    D lux 3. So, the question is, what is your favorite noise program and why. And

    also, how it maintains the original look of the shot. Thanks. And if it is a

    lesser known program, can you mention where to get it? regards, to all.

  4. Jerry, would you tell us the better choices? I just purchased a d lux 3, and have found the following.

    First,I found the pics a bit on the soft side. However, with a little post production in ps. I found the pics to be very good with a little sharpening. I prefer this to over sharpening in camera. The color rendition is good, and the tonal range is very good. No, this is not a real super sharp camera. However, with a little post production, I find the images to be excellent. The noise issue is no worse than any other, unless you can inform us to the contrary as to what the better choices are. Hopefully from your own experience with the d lux 3 compared to other makes. Thanks for your reply.

  5. I just purchased a d lux 3 yesterday. The manual says that there are supposed to

    be five screens to navigate through to set up the menu. Mine only has four, and

    the fourth only has one item in it. Is there something missing in the software

    on my camera? Or is the manual not accurate? I would think that there is

    something missing, but the store that I bought it from is closed today, and so

    is leica to call and find out. Please actually have one of these before

    venturing an answer so that I know it is accurate and not a guess. thanks.

  6. Just bought a mint R D1 used. It came with the really fine epson battery. The

    seller also included two batteries from powermart. Never heard of them before.

    neither of them will charge all of the way. After charging, and I place them in

    the camera, the charge indicator shows they only charged around 60% or so. They

    last for about 25 shots depending on whether I use raw with jpeg, and if I use

    the lcd.

    Anyhow, is there a really good replacement battery for the R D1 that will work

    as well as the supplied epson battery, or nearly as well. I would appreciate

    your feedback and experience in this matter.

    I went off shooting today indoors at a museum as it was raining out. The 35 cron

    asph. was my lens.

    When I have some shots, I will share them on line. Thanks, as always for any help.

    regards, elijah

  7. I am on the verge of buying a mint R D1 used. I have searched the site and also

    the manuals from on line and cannot find the answers to these questions. Could

    one of you R D1 users be kind enough to answer them for me. Thanks in advance.

    First, can you use a leica diopter adjustment lens on the viewing port of the

    rangefinder to adjust for not wearing glasses while focusing.

    Next, are all three framelines up at once, and if not, then when using a wide

    angle lens, such as a 24mm, will it just bring up the widest frame?the 35?

    Well, that's it. regards, elijah

  8. It is possible that you are having battery problems, or the contacts need to be cleaned. If this is so, then you are temporarily loosing power and switching off and on. This could account for the recurrent iso (asa) light flashing. That would be the first thing that I would check out. best of luck.
  9. I cannot bring myself to sell my analogue m rangefinders. I just cannot do it.

    So, I am not purchasing an M 8 at this point.

    Anyhow, I was wondering how well the digilux 2 is holding up now that it is a

    few years old. I do not seem able to find any definitive answers on the web to

    this question.

    One reason that I would want one is for IR. So, next question is, from my

    understanding, the dig 2 does do IR with the right filter. has anyone used it

    for this? Please let me know. And if you can, post a pic or two.

    Any other comments on the diglux 2 that might be helpful is also appreciated.

    thanks, elijah

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