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Image Comments posted by nacivet

  1. Hi Juan, and thank you for your nice comments on my portfolio, I like very much pictures of children and this one especially, It's just slightly overexposed but it was very difficult not to, especially if you work in auto mode because the doors are so dark , otherwise, I like the composition of this picture, and as you ask for a general comment on your children's pictures, maybe you could lower yourself down to the level of your subject but of course not always like for this shot or for the one title "fear of camera etc)Have a good time, Thanks again, Jean-Paul
  2. I have this nice elegant blue flower in my garden as well in Burgundy France (I introduce it 14 years ago), and I think it's a "Tradescantia subaspera" common name "spiderwort".

    Your picture give a perfect idea of the vivid blue color of this flower.

    I think there are three bleu petals,one is hiden in your picture! Am I right ?

    Regards, Jean-Paul



    Very good start ingrid, this picture is really great, the pose is superbe, very delicate, I would only arrange the left leg slightly more to the right, masking completly the knee of the model right leg, or reframe slightly the bottom of the picture.

    Seing this good pcture,I wait for more now, with big expectations !!!





    Marielou: En effet c'est beaucoup plus tendre qu'un vieux coq:-)


    Jeff:Do you mean I should move this picture to my "Garden of Eden" folder?


  3. Thanks for your comment, I agree with you about the burn on my model's back, I just didn't manage to avoid this,a wet surface facing the sky during rainfall, is always very shiny, that was my problem for this specific shot.

    Regards and thanks again for your comments.

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