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Everything posted by chris_autio

  1. chris_autio

    Butte Alleyway

    High contrast Abstract Expressionistic. Small, 10 x 10.
  2. chris_autio

    Gasworks Park

    Reprinted and recolored. A favorite among clients. Must have reprinted this 6 times.
  3. chris_autio


    Unearthed bridge abutment.
  4. chris_autio

    Story Hill

    oil colored
  5. chris_autio

    Truck Haul

    Used detail of truck bed to imitate various color application in a sgraffito method, arriving to a new color.
  6. Oaxaca Burrough where the bar is atop a hill!
  7. Drove a mile down the highway before turning around and retrieving this shot. This is a case where the best photo equipment is the brakes on the car.
  8. chris_autio


    2 x 3 ft oil colored
  9. chris_autio

    Kessler Mashtun

    Negative from thesis project. Recently reprinted and oil colored.
  10. chris_autio


    Chose square format from a 6 x 7. Not sure if I will oil color, as it is strong enough as a B/W
  11. Problem solved. I had accidently unchecked box "sRBG" in conversion of files.
  12. Not sure if I am experiencing a bug? When I Action or Script a tif file into jpg, I lose vibrance in colors. I realize PS cannot save jpg into 16 bit. Is this the problem? I would show you but Photo.net doesn't allow for tifs
  13. I recently have been processing both fresh tmax 35mm and 8 year old tri-x. The tmax is rich with all values, with a clear base. My client’s film consistently has opaquing in it’s base, resulting in milky blacks. I quipped to him that he must’ve been storing it in the oven. He just says it’s old.I don’t shoot 35 mm normally, but it was fun using his Leica for three weeks.
  14. Hi Ed, I replaced the 40 watt with a 75 watt LED. Still cool enough not to warp the negative. I have a Beseler 45, of which I can easily put a cool head on (which allows for a full-frame 4x5 to be printed. The condenser head vignettes each small corner enough to be a problem at times.) When choosing the LED, make certain there no identifying MARKS on the bulb.
  15. "Glass carriers solve the problem and replace it with the problem of dirt and spots." For every stride there is a downside. I must have been through a couple of these, but my best strategy is to focus after a few seconds... and when printing, set my timer beyond the set time. It works. My 4 x 5 carrier has teeth to grip the negative. I bought an 40 watt LED bulb and it too WORKS! I have yet to compare it to the one you suggest, but it is most certainly cooler to the touch.
  16. My exposures are anywhere from 35 to 70 sec at f/11 on a Schneider 150 lens when making 30 x 40 prints. I vascillate between the two heads often. My cold light head is damn dark. At one time I was thinking of setting up a strobe ! in the head. Hey, one small step... one giant leap for mankind.
  17. I'm with Vincent. This is simply a beautiful photo; composition of formatting the dancer, and expression of dancer. Energetic and calming at once.
  18. It's been a while since I printed 35 mm negs. I usually just print medium and large format. This particular negative would warp when using the condenser head. I figured it out after a couple 16 x 20s ran thru the soup! I solved it by holding a red filter under lens until exposure began. I could have used the filter swing but am wary of touching any part of enlarger during exposure. But this kept me from dodging an area in image. I could have used my cold light.
  19. This is practical information that became crucial! My L-ion charger failed in powering up my batteries. I had a smidgen of power from one battery, but wasn't sure how long it would last (even though D-800 shows battery % left). I was sweating it because I had a weeks' worth of work on the schedule. B&H and other outlets had them on order. The charger that arrived at my door from Amazon Prime was mislabeled, and couldn't charge L-Ion batteries. I checked with Batteries Plus franchise, which had this! It can charge several different batteries. It took 6 hours to charge each of them.
  20. After drying, one can apply this UV and surface protection gel by Golden. It is either semi gloss or gloss. Because I work on matte, it helps also to “freshen” contrast.
  21. Very much interested in your response. I am having a solo exhibition next year of oil-colored photographs. I submitted 20 images of landscapes, 2 of which were "industrial". Curators looked over my submission and said that they would like to exhibit the industrial landscapes. I have plenty of negs of this style, but would never settle with what I have in the books and am going to venture forth this summer to shoot new landscapes. For those of you interested in what cameras I am employing, I have two medium formats: Fuji 69 and Pentax 67, and a Toyo 4"x5". Medium format is easiest for me to handle, but that is not the issue here. I am not sure how to phrase my question delicately. How do I photograph industrial stuff without its content being or becoming most important when my intent is to create a composition? Somehow I believe that by asking this loose question can help define the result. The one hand I have in my toolbox is that half of these will be oil-colored and tinted.
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