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Image Comments posted by maranwilson

    Pacific Calm


    This rock is located close to home so I live to visit it often. It is

    actually quite large (about 30-40 feet across). For this particular

    shot I was using a neutral density filter to enable a really long (13

    second) exposure. The tricky part was timing it so that only a couple

    waves washed over the top of the rock during that 13 second window. I

    wanted the exposure to be long enough to really smooth out the sea,

    but still show the flowing water on top of the rock. If too many waves

    wash over the top, it ends up looking like fog rather than water.

    Thank you for taking the time to view my work!

    Pitt Meadows


    That is one amazing capture Bobby. It looks like a mushroom cloud and I love how clearly you can see the rain falling down over the distant village. You can really see amazing detail in the large version. Masterful work in processing it too. You ended up with great clarity and contrast that really showcases all the drama. Thanks for sharing.

    The Gorge


    Thanks for the feedback. I appreciate all comments.

    Nebojsa, I've always liked the fern in the lower portion of this image. In fact, I've always felt it helps to really anchor the image and give foreground interest. But now that you mention it, I will consider the alternative cropped version and see how that works as a print as well. I suppose it might help to draw the viewer more into the gorge. Thanks for the food for thought! Definitely something to consider.




    Wonderful saturated colors in the sky and ocean. You really have to see the large version of the image to appreciate all the detail you have captured here. Beautiful coastline, wherever this is. And the side lighting on the cliff is very nice. Thanks for sharing.



    Wonderful capture Laurent. Beautiful effect with the exposure on this one. Placing the sun directly behind the canopy was a good choice :-) Very artistically done. Thanks for sharing.

    Afternoon Walk


    Wonderful lighting and use of vignette. Also, when viewed in larger size, you can see the image is wonderfully sharp throughout. The quality of the late afternoon side light is very pleasing. Thanks for sharing!

  1. The delicate lighting on this image really makes it exceptional Radu. The light is soft, yet perfectly focused on the flowers in the middle with nice drop off around the edges and in the back ground. It is very pleasing and compliments the rainy day feel of this image. Thanks for sharing.


  2. Between this one and "Cannon Beach morning storm", I prefer the perspective on the latter. Not entirely sure why. I guess maybe because it is a cleaner composition allowing me to focus entirely on the stormy sky. But others might have a different opinion.

  3. That is some storm cloud William! I like how dynamic the sky is from the super dark and stormy part on the left to the part on the right where the clouds are actually breaking up a bit. My only critique is that it seems a little noisy (where you using a high ISO?). Especially when viewed in the large version. But that could easily be cleaned up in software with a little application of de-noise. But the image itself is great in my opinion.

    Music is my life


    This image perfectly captures the emotions of a musician who is doing what he loves. And the B&W works so well here. Great environmental portrait. Thank you for posting Maurizio!

    lustrous splash


    That golden reflection is really the star of this image. It has a really magical quality. I wonder if the image could be improved by cropping off a bit on the left so that it really showcases the right hand side of the image where all the action is? But it's hard to say. The softer blues on the left might also be adding a nice balance to the overall image. Great capture either way. Thanks for sharing Lester.

  4. Great image and title :-) My only wish is that it were a bit sharper. Especially in the large version. Maybe it can be sharpened a bit by software to help. But Obviously this was a very quick scene and you had to react quickly to capture it. Aside from the, the composition is perfect to include all of the red blanket and shadows on left. Thanks for sharing.


  5. This is a really great photo created from a very common scene. Looking through your portfolio, you really have a skill for seeing great images in the world around you. The textures and lighting on this one is terrific. Perhaps one of the few cases where the on-camera flash actually created a beautiful effect? Congrats.

    Natural Beauti


    The background is really good and makes the bird and branch pop out nicely. You might try increasing the contrast a bit too and see if that makes the branch and bird colors even better. But even as it is, a lovely image. Thanks for sharing.

  6. When viewed in the large version, the sky and reflections are really magnificent. Plus the village detail in the background comes into play as well to create interest. This is one of those examples where a 50/50 composition seems to work well. Thanks for sharing.

  7. What a brilliant compositional idea. The sky is great of course with such a wonderful sunburst. But the blades of grass are really amazing. Did you use some sort of reflector to illuminate the foreground so pleasantly? Love it!

  8. Another very strong image Wanghan! In this one I especially like the up-close detail of the snow in the foreground. You did a very good job of keeping everything in such sharp focus from the very front to the very top. And the snow has a lot of great texture which is difficult to do without making it just blown out to white. Congratulations!



    The Gorge


    I was lucky to catch this place on a slightly rainy and overcast day.

    The soft lighting and damp surfaces produced some very saturated

    colors without any hot spots of direct sunlight.


    This is actually a 10 second exposure to get the effect I wanted on

    the water surface. I left the camera at f8 but I stacked a polarizing

    filter and a high quality neutral density filter on the lens to allow

    such a long exposure.


    Thank you for any critique or ratings (good or bad).

    ... Owlwood ...


    I like this image Slavomir. Nice job of capturing it without getting yourself burned by the campfire :-) My only suggestion would be to try and reduce the red saturation a bit and see how that works. The reflection of the fire off the trees is almost too red. But that could just be my monitor's color balance. I do like the quality of the light coming from the fire though, as it slowly fades in strength from near to far.

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