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Image Comments posted by maranwilson

  1. Nice composition. I like the clouds and the blue lanterns. I do wonder, however, whether this picture would be better with a little less exposure so that the sun and water highlights are not blown out quite so much. Of course the blue lanterns would have stood out less that way, so it's hard to say.
  2. I haven't see the other picture, but this one is very nice. The lines work well to keep the eye interested and moving between the foreground and background. I would probably crop a tad on the left side to remove some of that darkness which can be a bit distracting. But even without that change I really like this picture.


    Great shot. Great sky and perfect exposure and focus. The only thing I can think of for improving the shot would be to slightly shift the lens so that the birds are flying into the frame rather than leaving it. But perhaps that portion of the sky was not quite as interesting. Either way, it is a very pleasing picture.


    Very nice exposure. Better than most shots of this kind that you find in magazines. The only thing that really bothers me is that tiny little spot of black in the lower right corner.
  3. I like the way the swans are lined up. A very pleasing picture. I wonder if it could have been improved by using a graduated density filter so that the sky retained a richer colour. Just a thought...
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