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Posts posted by kerkko_kehravuo

  1. <p>High shutter speeds are required when one is willing to operate with wide open high speed lenses (like 50/1,2 or 85/1,2) in day light. Unfortunately ISO 25 chrome film is not at all available any more and ISO 50 availability is limited. In these cases top speed of 1/2000 s is already limiting.</p>

    <p>Kerkko K.</p>

  2. <p>What has been your recepie to success with Hasselblad Tele-Tessar or Apo Tele-Tessar 500 mm f:8. Film, support (tripod system), exposure time, required amount of light, stopping down or not, etc. And what have you been photographing with your Tele-Tessar?<br>

    Best wishes for New Year 2009!</p>

    <p>Kerkko K. </p>

  3. <p>Canonets are nice cameras. Once I did write an article of Canonet GIII QL 17 and Lynx 14e, title was something like Old Premium Compacts. I did like both and stll have Lynx. Canonet's advantage is it's compact size and automatic exposure. Lynx's it's lenses speed f:1,4, good manual operating, precise light measuring, good finder and very solid stucture. Lens quality is very good in both cameras. I took test photos with several lens aperatures and several distance settings, had a heavy tripod, slow film and 15x magnifier. No remarkable difference in lense. Both are fine cameras.<br>

    Kerkko K.</p>

  4. Frank,


    I do agree with Charles, I have never been sorry of buying Flexbody just about when it came to market. For shure it has it's limitations but still very good for plenty of purposes in product & architecture photography. For architecture I have mostly used 50 mm CFi (gives clearly more shift than CF) and for products 150 mm CFi. I and clients have been happy.


    Kerkko K.

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