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Posts posted by dennyp

  1. HI All,

    Here is the way I have learned to photograph in the winter:

    1. Buy 2(two) pairs of gloves.

    2. cut off the fingers off one pair.

    3. put the short pair inside of the full pair.

    4. when out in the cold, pull off the outer glove.

    5. Enjoy the outdorrs.

  2. HI Anthony,

    Looks like you found on of the trade secrets of the 70's. We put a

    slide mount in the viewfinder of our cameras and then use this new window to frame slides or super slides as we call them. Yes when showen on a 35mm projector , they just blow the show away.

    have a nice day


  3. I don't often do this but here is my TOP SECRET TWO BATH DEVELOPER:

    a: 750cc of water,5grams of metol,100grams of sodium sulphite add

    h2o to make 1000cc

    B: 750cc of water,6grams of sodium sulphite,15 grams of sodoum carbonate h20 to make 100cc.

    C:750cc of h20,10grams of borax,h2o to make 1000cc.

    this deverloper will not block hilights and give real good shadow detail.

    to use :

    for tri-x @500 ,4to5 min in A then 3min in B or C

    I use b for availble light and C: for flash exposed film

    have a nice day.


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