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Image Comments posted by david_cassidy2

    Mellieha Sunrise

    I've been looking through all of your photos. It would be too time consuming to comment on all of them, but let me say this: You are a fantastic photographer. Your images are beautiful, creative and colourful. Very vibrant. Keep up the great work.

    Stream of Gold

    Thanks for the comments. It was actually quite easy to achieve this effect in-camera. I was studying the light in the stream and it already had a faint golden quality to it, very faint, but there. I decided to use a Cokin Blue-Yellow polarizer to enhance the golds already there.


    Very nice image. I love the leading lines and of course the exposure and colours are bang-on. The "only" small criticism I have is the two "lumps" in the bottom of the frame. I would simply crop them out. This would eliminate their slight distraction and also place the two opposing leading lines closer to the corners, which I think would be a nice effect. Other than that, I really like this image. Great work!
  1. Very nice image. It gives me two feelings when I view it ... innocence ... and also some strange ghostlike feelings. I'm not sure how to interpret it but that's probably why I like it so much. It keeps me looking and wondering. Great job.
  2. Thanks Ellen. I was in this enormous billiards room and figuring out how to capture the essence of billiards was what I was looking for. In the end I decided not to include the billiard table at all but rather the "human" side of it. The player's bench, the cues, the scoreboard. That's what I was reaching for, anyway ... David. :)
  3. Thanks, everyone. I found this little kitty on a porch of an old home I was interested in photographing. He was just a curious fellow and hid behind and between this white fence. When he put his head down between the posts I snapped the image and the shallow depth of field blurred the fence posts perfectely around his face.
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