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Image Comments posted by dominikazielinska

  1. Hi Tristan,

    From memory this was just taken with my 28-80mm lens with a UV filter, nothing special. try it it might work - just remember that this could potentially ruin your eyes because you are basically looking at the sun so just be careful!! Let me know if you manage to take any shots and I'd love to have a look :)

  2. Thank you for your comments. I think that this is more about the relationship between the photographer and nature (although my other shot probably shows this better where the whale and the photographer are face to face...) all in all it's a sad event and it guts me how people still whale despite the beauty of these creatures - you wonder why more use isn't made of what we are given...



    I have some other ones also - where I did have a shorter exposure on them - i'll try and post them this weekend :) A point to note is that these photos were taken prior to me having a tripod with as steady a hand as possible without one (didn't think of using a surface back then either - as a tripod that is!!)

    *I have posted some other ones up with a shorter exposure*

  3. That would be correct. As far as I know these whales have now been buried in the Sand Dunes. Someone told me about some whales that had washed ashore about 30 years ago which were buried in the dunes at another beach. Apparantly that place is now "Tapu" (Sacred) because the smell is so bad from the Whales decomposing...
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